A Conversation for Last Mission of R.A.F. B24-Liberator EW277

good work jim...

Post 1

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

jim... smiley - lovesmiley - hug

looks like you've put some hard work into all that research...
it's all very interesting.... hope you manage to find the missing pieces that you mentioned then you can put it all on the ww2 site....

good luck, and good work.. smiley - peacedove

smiley - love sheryl... xxxxxxx

good work jim...

Post 2

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.


i,ll be more content when i find the missing peice.

its out there and i,ll get it soon

jimsmiley - discoxx

good work jim...

Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

jim... smiley - love

i know you'll finish that jigsaw luv.... i have every faith in you......

good luck and bright blessings my dear friend..... xxxxx

smiley - love xxxx

good work jim...

Post 4

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

HI jim brilliant piece of work matey i hope them two certain people can read it and realize what chaos they have caused by getting rid of digibox people and realize what good work was done on them goodluck old friend
smiley - devilREBS

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