Mistaken Identity - Part 7
Created | Updated May 3, 2007

Chapter Seven
Richard Tyler and John Sheppard made their way across the field to an outbuilding where the Trust and Hasplecorps were exchanging captives. John had a life signs detector with him and activated it as they got nearer to the building.
'How d'you do that?' asked Richard.
'Something in the genes,' replied Sheppard. 'It's tied to a specific gene.'
'So only certain people can use it,' said Richard.
'Yeah, gives us an advantage,' answered Sheppard.
'Would you be willing to share?' asked Richard. Sheppard shrugged.
'No harm in asking I guess,' he remarked. The LSD sprang into life and Sheppard tapped his earpiece.
'Okay there are five in the front of the house and two beneath; I'm guessing they're our guys,' said John.
'Thanks for the intel, Sheppard,' came the voice of Cameron Mitchell. John and Richard made their way to the cellar door and tapped gently.
'Lorne, Lorne, is that you in there?' he said.
Lorne's ears pricked up at the sound of someone outside the door.
'What?' said Garrity.
'Someone's out there,' he whispered. Garrity made his way silently to the door while Lorne looked for something to use as a weapon.
'There's some guy out here calling your name,' remarked Garrity. Lorne came to the door.
'Lorne, answer me,' said John.
'Sheppard?' asked Lorne. He heard a sigh.
'Way to be alive, buddy,' John replied. 'You got some guy called Garrity in there with you?'
'Yeah, I'm here,' said Garrity.
'Great. NTAC and SG-1 should be going through the doors about now. Stand back, we're going to try and get the door open,' said Sheppard. He started to look around for something to break the door down with, but Richard stopped him.
'Let me do it,' he said. Richard knelt down and, looking at the lock, he reached out with his mind and began to move the tumblers. The door swung open and Sheppard shone a torch down into the faces of Lorne and Garrity.
'Damn, that's creepy,' he said as he got a good look at the men below.
'Tell us about it,' said Garrity. Sheppard shook himself out of his daydream as he and Richard reached down to pull them out.
'Great eleventh hour rescue as usual, sir,' quipped Lorne as Sheppard grinned.
'Nothing wrong with you then,' he replied.
Colonel Cameron Mitchell signalled the group to go in. Doors and windows burst open; Tess Doerner stood behind them and stared. The one human in the Trust and Dennis Ryland dropped their guns. Tom and Diana ran over to cuff them as Bellona and Orcus tried to activate their transporters. Sam fired at Bellona, who managed to activate her personal shield, and the bullet ricocheted off. Daniel fired a zat at Orcus a millisecond too late. He activated his communicator. There was a flash of light and Bellona and Orcus disappeared. Sam activated her radio.
'Odyssey, this is Carter. The Trust have beamed away, so keep an eye out for a cloaked ship,' she said.
'Understood, Odyssey out,' came the commander's voice. Isabel spotted Jordan Collier by the door.
'What have you done with my Promicin?' she yelled.
'It will be used to destroy what you have started,' said Jordan. Isabel raised her hand and Jordan started to choke.
'Give me back the Promicin!' she said. A gunshot was heard and Isabel pitched forward with a bullet lodged between her shoulders. Sheppard stood at the door with his gun raised. He gasped as the flesh began to close over the wound and she got up off the floor. She was furious.
'You shouldn't have done that,' she said in an even voice as she reached out and closed John's windpipe. Sheppard began to gasp for air.
'Isabel, stop,' said Richard.
'Stay out of this, Daddy,' she replied without looking at him. John continued to struggle for air.
'Isabel, don't make me stop you,' said Shawn.
'You can't stop me, Shawn,' Isabel said. Shawn made a grab for her arm, but she knocked him away, Tom, Diana and the rest of SG-1 raised their guns, but Isabel swept her arm through the air and they were all flung to the ground. John collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe.
'Isabel, get out of here. I need you to complete what I started,' said Ryland. Isabel looked at him. 'I'll need you to get me out of this.' She nodded and ran towards another exit.
'You will not stop me,' she said as she headed away. As she left, the remains of the NTAC/SG-1 group picked themselves up.
'What the hell happened?' asked Mitchell.
'Isabel happened,' said Tom.
'Sheppard's not breathing,' yelled Sam. Mitchell tapped his earpiece.
'Get a medic; we have a man down,' he barked.
'I don't think it's going to be quick enough,' Sam replied.
'Shawn, can you help?' asked Jordan. Shawn placed his hands on John's chest and concentrated.
'Come on, come on, come on,' he muttered.
John gave a gasp as he finally managed to get air back into his lungs. He opened his eyes to see many relieved faces looking down at him.
'Ya had us worried there for a minute,' said Mitchell.
'Anyone get the number of that truck that hit me?' John quipped.
'He's okay,' said Lorne with a laugh.
Two days later...
After a long debrief, Nina Jarvis, Jordan Collier and Jack O'Neill agreed on a tentative alliance between Stargate Command, NTAC and the 4400s. O'Neill had said that as they were all basically in the same business, saving Earth, either from the Ori, the Goa'uld, the Wraith or the future, they all needed to pool resources. Everyone agreed that working together would give them more of a weapon against their enemies.
In Tom Baldwin's garden, the group was relaxing. Tom and his partner Alana were busy making sure everyone had food and drink, Diana's boyfriend Ben was taking pictures while Diana was talking to Elizabeth, Shawn was pushing Maia on a swing and Richard was telling John about his time in the Air Force. Lorne and Garrity were sitting under a tree, talking about life, the universe and everything. During the previous few days there had been calls to the Lorne and Garrity families asking about the possibility of twins having been separated at birth, but nothing had come of it. They were just one of those 'quirks of fate' the universe throws up every so often.
'So when are you back in a galaxy far, far away?' asked Marc Garrity.
'The ship leaves in three weeks,' replied Evan Lorne.
'I'd say I wish I was going with you, but after what you told me I think I'd rather take my chances with crazy Isabel,' said Marc with a smirk.
'You're seriously saying you'd give up the chance to explore planets in another galaxy?' said Evan.
'No, but the soul-sucking vampires and mad robots aside, it sounds like it's something I'd like to try,' Marc said.
'I knew you couldn't resist. Mind you, keeping an eye on a bunch of 'X-Men' and unravelling the future sounds like something I could get into,' said Evan with a grin. A thought struck them both at the same time.
'Do you think anyone would notice if we swapped places?' said Marc.