The Basil Brush Lover's Club
Created | Updated Jul 17, 2004
Omnis Diligo Basil
The Basil Brush Lover's ClubOmnis Diligo Basil |
Welcome to the Basil Brush Lover's Club! Here is where Brushites unite to rejoice* in all that is Basil!*
We are still looking for better names for this society. also you may be wondering why the word: "INITIATION" has appeared next to your name (If you're a member). It means you are in your Initiation period. To become a full-fledged member you must either do a good deed for the club or recruit two new members (members have to agree that you recruited them).
Belowe are thofe whom hath fhowne thif societee greate devotione* untoe thee myfticale artfe of thee greate Bafil Brufh:
Become a Brushite! Brushism has grown spectacularly since the time it was founded (over 100000000000000000% increase in the last week, true!*) and now's the chance to join in on the action!
We are imposing a new rule: All new Brushites will be known as initiates until they have successfully recruited two more brushites. These brushites must name the person who recruited them once recruited.
I wante to bee a Brufhite! I am devotede to alle who are knowne af Bafil Brufh!
My job fhalt be:
Once you've joined, put our blog in your introduction page*!
The Basil Brush Lover's ClubOmnis Diligo Basil |
Our noble allies may be of interest to you, especially the top one*: