A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Corellia

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 181


*walks in to the grounds and force jumps over the fence*

*opens the gate behind him, walks into his workshop and starts to pack*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 182

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks into the grounds*
what was that about jo'tra?

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 183


Master he works for the Hutts, he thinks he can use my talents to find higher standing with them... My mother doesn't agree with him, thats why I have this separate house

He sent his men to force me to do his bidding

Now we must leave as I gave him back the house, it there anything from the my posessions that you want? Once I have packed a few posessions we must leave

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 184

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

the hutts... that brings back memorys of long nights awaiting a calling card from bounty hunters...
*shivers unvolenteraly*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 185


Master? No nevermind thats your business

So is there any droid or fighter that you want to keep?

*goes about packing a repulsor sled with the YVH droid and an X-wing model in his bag*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 186

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - erm well i said my father worked with droids...
*gets her things*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 187


*arrives ... has not things ...*

i haven't put myself in anything to serious without much trainging have i?

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 188


*not paying attention to Ba'mic as he packs*

Ba'mic if there is anything you want from the house go ahead

*packs enough food for a couple of months*

I have to go see my mother

*leaves his house walks towards the big mansion and knocks on the door*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 189


*picks up working models of a star destroyer and a mon cal star cruiser, along with there controlers*

may be useful in the future, though i may not be able to use them but some one else might ...

*packs more useful supplies that he finds around the house*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 190


*walks into his parents house...*

*an hour later he leave the house and slowly walk back to his own house*

smiley - cry

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 191


Jo'tra ....

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 192


smiley - cry

*sits on the lawn and tries to meditate*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 193


~master is there anything wecan do to help jo'tra~

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 194

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

~jo'tra has problems he must deal with alone... he will tell us when he wishes our support~~
*smiley - whistle the little droid form earlyer walks forward and rolles into a ball Anoon picks it up and puts it in her pocket*
sound activated...

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 195


~~Master why does he have to be such a fool?~~

*starts to calm down*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 196

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

~~I supose the reward thay offer is enough to take the risk of working for them... eather that or the risk of what will happen if he dosent work for them~~

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 197


~~Master we better go soon, he might change his mind and send ppl after us~~

*gets up and walks into the house*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 198


*waits pateintly*

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 199

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well... we should go...
everyone have everything?

Jo'tra Gibúr's house

Post 200


Yes Master

*decides to bring a tie defender and packs it*

*pulls the repulsor sled out of the house*

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