A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 61


Alex are you watching this,did you see a certain name crop up,what i sent you.


Post 62


> well tell them 2 give it a rest,then i wouldnt respond would i,she accused me of somethething i havent done,then she says i accuse her of things,well she wants 2 pratice what she preaches dosent she.

I'm afraid that I don't think that it is our place to tell any other person on h2g2 to "give it a rest". In my opinion, it's best to rise above flames and ignore them, instead focussing on positive aspects of the website. Also, saying to somebody to "practice what you preach" rarely is constructive, and again tends to cause threads to descend into chaos.

Rho smiley - 2cents


Post 63


> rho ive jotted down the advice .and will use it the next time im in yoome lol

OK - I hope that you have the same good experiences using it as I do! smiley - smiley



Post 64


lets just say a name cropped up,what was sent 2 my HOTGUY addy,and i sent it 2 someone on here so it proves i have not sent any nasty e-mails 2 anyone,looks like someone has hang their selfs.


Post 65


donnie i had enough now we both getting laughed at now its not funny martin i gonna phone my uncle and he will sort it out.


Post 66


but you mentioned a name of a e-mail you had,as i had 1 2 day from that name and id i sent it 2 alex who is on here,so why did you mention that name,proves i didnt send you any nasty e-mails,you have been caught out.


Post 67

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

right am gone


Post 68


ok martin,just a name cropped up,that i had a nasty e-mail from,and hilary said she also recieved 1,but i sent the 1 i had 2 alex,t/c


Post 69


> proves
(from any of multiple posts about emails)

No, it doesn't, as the contents of a few emails, or one email, doesn't 'prove' anything about the contents of all other emails.

Rho smiley - online2long


Post 70


well it does 2 me,now unsubscribing goodbye.t/c


Post 71


princess of hearts..

smiley - sorrythat is totally untrue statment please do not accuse me of been on any side

what i said was in actuall fact i said this to donnie
i wasnt takeing sides in any of this supersonic wanted help im a ace im bound to help thats why we are here

and as i remember correcty i offerd donnie the same hand if he wanted any post yikesing as well that isnt takeing sides at all not knowing he was also on a computer as well

i will take some time to find the thread numbers as well for yousmiley - smiley

my first comment was to both of them in regards to if they cant get on within the site they should kep there distance from each other while the matter is been sorted


Post 72


Too late my uncle is a lawyer and he takes hounding very seriously i've got a good case and sinse my family members are the law i know my rights you never helped once you failed to help me and supersonic is still accussing me of off site stuff and you did take his side and you did not once tell him to leave me alone at all.


Post 73


as i have said h2g2 can not do anything about e-mails or yooom2 we can only do things on h2g2 thats why if you get them you need to inform your i.s.p or telewest about them

ok you give the same question to any ace or italic you will get more or less the same reply bout it

the other thing you need to understand that moderation is done by seperate people who have no fixed gain or vendeta with any researcher i forward two post to them one i thought shuld pass didnt and the other was no doubt about it passing im not going to say which is which tho thats unfair

smiley - okim biest against you let me put this quick thought to you

you never told him to leave me alone

that would be takeing your side over his and i cant tell any one not to do anything im not alloud by the ace rules of conduct


Post 74


he hounded accused me on h2g2 and that is on this site he brings offline topics on this site and accusses me and others i see you wont help well i have reported you as well you have not helped one bit


Post 75


jamie copy n paste please i have you on my side and of course you can arrest anyone for hounding it is indeed aganst the law


Post 76

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Well I think this thread has shown that there issues here that go much further than this site.

As Intern said, private correspondance and activities on other sites are not something we can have any control over.

In any community, online or in real life, there are always going to be some people that don't get on. That is just the way life is.

The good thing about h2g2 is that there are so many other people looking to make friends, and so many other places to hang about than just the ones you are used to. <./>thepost</.>smiley - thepost has a list of clubs and socities.

I think you have to try and follow my advice in the first few posts and *ALL* avoid each other - and ignore posts referring to you. Afterall, you wouldn't choose to go to the pub with people you dislike would you?

Princess of Hearts - you have done the right thing and referred the issue to the Staff, and if any others involved in this situation want to, then they should too. However there are no staff in the office until Monday, so wait until you have a reply back from then, and see what they say smiley - ok



Post 77

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

As you have reported an ACE to the staff for not helping you in the situation, I have advised him not to reply to any posts made by *all* the researchers involved until the staff have had chance to look at the situation.

This is only so that the situation doesn't get more complicated, not for any other reason.

Whether he chooses to do that is up to him, as I know he will be keen to try and rectify any misunderstanding.

smiley - cheers



Post 78


What Has Offline Topics such as email 's and yoome2 Got To do with this Site nothink Then why Did Supersonic Come on This site and accuse me And others of sending him email's and abuse wich is not true at all,
I am talking with the mods about it all It's been dealt with now and I have had apoligy off your mods for The Treatment i received on here,

I only reported him cos he did not help me at all And he should of pointed this out to supersonic about
Emails and offline subjects that have nothink to do with h2g2 but supersonic still went around accuseing me and other's and I had to report it all as i had enough of being accused of Thing's i have not done Would you like it if he accused you of sending Emails and stuff thats offline this site I don't think you would like it at all,

Anyway The Mods are Dealing with This Matter now,
I was sent a apoligy by email i eccept the apoligy off them.


Post 79


Just to remove any confusion here, it would not be the Moderators dealing with a complaint; it would be the Editors, also commonly known as the "Italics" or the "h2g2 Team". All the Moderators do is initially make a moderation decision whenever the Complaints button is used, which should then be checked by one of the Editors during UK office hours.

Secondly, sending hate messages *in any form* (by email, through a chatroom, on h2g2, etc) to another person is a terrible misuse of the internet. If you are unlucky enough to receive such a message, I suggest that you do what I do: ignore it. Eventually, the person will get bored of of sending such messages to you. Also, I'd highly advise never ever *ever* giving out personal information (such as a phone number, an address, a real name) - whether yours or somebody else's - to anybody you meet on the internet. As has been described by so many people, this often causes problems. Finally, demanding apologies and holding grudges is rarely useful, often causing conflicts to rise. I strongly suggest that everyone just ignore people who have upset them in the past so that everybody can have a more pleasant time. After all, if you haven't given them your personal information, they can do no more than send an email to you.

smiley - 2cents
Rho - "Never fight fire with fire."


Post 80


That's why I only give my close friends my name only I don't give phone number's ect out as you don't know who's lurking around like i don't know who you are and vise versa
I have to be careful just incase there a mass Murdera or
That's what i meant h2g2 are dealing with it all I'm not allowed to give Details out while it's been descussed and Talked through.

you know what they should bring out a site just for weirdo's and nutcases then normal peple like you and i can enjoy a hush life.

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