A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 1


why am i automatically subscribed to all conversations? i can understand being subscribed to a coversation i take part in, but i'm being subscribed to ones that i've not even looked into...eh?


Post 2


At some point you must have visited the <./>Askh2g2</.> page and accidentally clicked on the link to be subscribed to the page rather than to view a conversation. Being subscribed to the page means you automatically get new conversation threads there appearing on your space. If you go back to <./>Askh2g2</.>, you should see a link allowing you to unsubscribe. Or you can use this one <./>FSB19585?cmd=unsubscribeforum</.>. That will stop you getting new threads but you will still have to unsubscribe from unwanted existing threads manually.


Post 3

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hi footbacon

At the end of each Guide Entry there is a link that says 'Click here to be notified of new Conversations about this Guide Entry.' It's very easy to click on those by mistake.

There are subscribe or unsubscribe links at the end of each conversation thread too. You can easily unsubscribe from any conversations on your list that you don't want to follow.

smiley - smiley

Incidentally, there's a word in your nickname that's usually starred out by the moderators when they come across it. You might want to remove it before your name gets turned back into its generic number.

Amy smiley - ant


Post 4


thankyou, am so glad i got that started, i was startin to think that someone may be using my nickname or something strange!
and i will sort out my name too, thanks!


Post 5

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - ok


Post 6


And dont forget becouse you have posted here you are subscribed to this what means it shows up on your messages page

Its same if you post any where on the site

to un subscribe to a message you will see

subject (name of post)
posted (when it was sent)
last reply(how long the last reply was posted 10min 2 days)

press the un subscribe to remove it from your post list



Post 7


hello people..ive read with interest all your comments...but ive been on holiday,have just got back and find ive been subscribed to this conversation...how come??????...


Post 8

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Perhaps you subscribed to the Help Centre page at some point.

You can unsubscribe from this conversation using the link below.


Post 9


If you not posted to this before your last message i would agree with Amy you will have subscribed
to this useing the link at the bottom

Or if you are subscribed to some ones messages from there home page ie Amy you can subscribe to the messages and if i send Amy one you get it as well smiley - smiley


Post 10


Can you tell me what word in that nickname is normally starred out?


Post 11


I'm afraid that I don't understand the question. smiley - erm

Nicknames are never starred out by the Italics (as far as I know) as the current policy is to reset nicknames that break the House Rules to 'Researcher #####', not to edit them.



Post 12



hi rhosmiley - smiley


Post 13


I think U235904 (currently called Footbacon) was experimenting with the nickname when this thread was started. I didn't see an offensive one at the point I started my reply. It seems that Amy did when she started hers. Although she does state the nickname would be reset (post 3), she doesn't emphasise that it is in postings and articles where the word would normally be starred out.

Since the nickname must have been changed, it will not be the current one which contained the offensive part. So the question of which part *is* a word normally starred out can't be answered. The question of which part *was* a word normally starred out might possibly be answered by someone who saw it and remembered - but it still wouldn't be appropriate to do so.

Key: Complain about this post