A Conversation for Entry replaced

And it's getting smaller

Post 1


The world is indeed a small place and i believe it is shrinking rapidly.With that in mind,will you not be wanting researchers in differant lands.If so i would be delighted to hear exactly what you require.Unfortunately i have no reference to offer.However i am ,i believe,innovative,imaginative,full of unconventional wisdom with a little bit of intelligence.Although experience is something that is often, in my humble opinion,terribly overrated i have a lot of it.Whether or not it can be made use of remains to be seen.Time as always will undoubtedly provide the answers,perhaps,in the meantime,some kind soul currently residing at TDV will enlighten me further.
In the event that TDV is not in the market for new blood,would anyone care to chat?
ciao for now

And it's getting smaller

Post 2


Wot...no kind soles at TDV...i dinna canna believe it.
Do i use the wrong toothpaste or something....will noone chat with me...

slumps into his chair,spins around slowly and rolls away sadly...

oh well,perhaps i should try vogon talk.

And it's getting smaller

Post 3


Well I'll talk to you.....

......but what about?

And it's getting smaller

Post 4


Well,i would be interested to know what a "strag' is,and why you bash them?Thanks for answering by the way.

And it's getting smaller

Post 5


A strag is a non-hitchhiker and I changed my name a few months ago in protest at the way the guide was (and is) being run by a bunch of vogons who do all their 'research' in an electronically synthesized universe instead of out in the real one.

In plain english I think the guide should function as a guide, not as yet another chatroom/ online meeting place. The ratio of trivia to usefulness on the net generally is appalling and what would Ford Prefect think?

Don't get me wrong - any interactive site is going to develop a community, and embracing it is probably the best thing to do. But an awful lot of people get discouraged by the poor quality of some approved entries and the apparent emphasis on talking bollocks.

Things are improving, slowly, and I've given up grumbling - for the most part. I've even produced a couple of new entries, but I still don't have any patience with the 'here, have a choccy" brigade. Hardly ties in with Mr Adams' comments about the guide being useful does it? (See the bottom of my user page for the definitive final word on that matter from the guide itself!)

So now you know.

And it's getting smaller

Post 6


I suspect we may well have a great deal in common old boy....one tries to accomodate ,particularly when one is new....but there is indeed a lot of bollocks around isn't there.
Who am i to judge i ask myself.....noone at all so i try and avoid being so .....who knows what time will do though.
I will visit your site as soon as i get a chance and have a good look around,and leave a note.I promise not to offer any chocolates although i have been known to extend a welcoming hand with a nice cup of tea....lol....nothing i wouldn't do in real life though.
Cheers mate....

And it's getting smaller

Post 7

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Noname. As always, I am happy talking to you. Stragbasher, some people are just happy for some interaction with those that they would not have the pleasure of meeting IRL. Remember, some of the researchers are only in their teens. I have had the pleasure of conversing with Noname before, and he has a great deal to offer in experience and inate wisdom. He is also compassionate and empathetic. And I might add, One hell of a chef. smiley - smiley I don't think Mr. Adams would want to exclude anyone from sharing their thoughts. BTW, when I was in the doldrums, I was offered a choccy smiley - fish, and it brightened my spirits immensely. Please don't look down on the value of generosity and kindness. The future of mankind depends on it. smiley - smiley

And it's getting smaller

Post 8


Thunderous applause....well said dear Ali although i blush a little at the rich praise that you lavish upon me.One box of chocolates and a large pot of tea coming up....can i tempt youwith some lasagne tonight??
love noname

And it's getting smaller

Post 9

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Sounds perfect, Noname. smiley - smiley What kind of wine would you prefer? smiley - smiley

And it's getting smaller

Post 10


personally a nice red....cabernet sauvignon would be my first choice

And it's getting smaller

Post 11

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Cabernet it is. smiley - smiley BTW, you deserve more praise than I could possibly lavish on you. smiley - smiley


Oh dear...

Post 12


Sorry, Ali

There's no point me going on at people because they choose to do things differently from me, and when the truth is that I'll happily talk bollocks all day I'm not really left with a leg to stand on. Am I? But I do feel that there's more to life.

I can't help my views, they are the result of my life experiences as are yours. We've had different experiences which is why we are different people, and I respect that. I didn't come here looking for an argument with you, and I have pretty much given up having this conversation in public. I stated my reasons for changing my name because I was asked, that's all, and I'm not going to fight with you here.

You are entitled to your opinion as much as I am entitled to mine, but just for once I would like to be able to engage someone in a conversation without someone else appearing and accusing me of being intolerant of them just because they are younger than me and hold different opinions. That may have not been what you intended, but that's the way I take it. Just like the way that some people get offended at a perfectly valid observation about some other specific item.

The 'have a choccy' comment I withdraw. That was just sour grapes because I couldn't find any pizza in ffmike's fridge. Sorry.

If anyone wants to talk to me I'll be at my homepage.

Oh dear...

Post 13

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. smiley - smiley I will visit your homepage. Nothing offends me, and I'm 41 so I'm no youngster. Your negative view of things just disinheartened me, and I was hoping you might look at things more positively. I promise I'll see what you're about. smiley - smiley

Oh dear...

Post 14


God I hate that!

Stop laughing, and stop being older than me, and stop bloody replying here when I'm trying to sulk!

I'll have to go and look at your homepage now, I suppose.

Oh dear...

Post 15

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

ROFLOL. smiley - smiley You obviously have been there and done that. I am in awe, because you shut me up right royally. smiley - smiley I loved your e-mail and hope to converse on a regular basis. smiley - smiley I am constantly pleased with the variety of people, and places, I meet. smiley - smiley

Lots of love, Ali*

Oh dear...

Post 16


smiley - smiley <------ huge big grin....lmao...sweet sweet people...
At times like this all i can do is lean against something,smile,and enjoy the warmth and wonders and wackiness of real people

that's better

Post 17


Why don't you guys drop into ffmike's "clubhouse?

There's a few interesting people you might like to meet there.


that's better

Post 18


Thanks for the invite Stragbasher i shall surely drop by.I still have not been over to your page yet but i will.Speak to you soon

that's better

Post 19

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I'm there. smiley - smiley

that's better

Post 20

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

This may sound... conformist, in its tone, but the staff are probably well aware of the way the entries are currently not of the highest quality. I believe that TDV (or h2g2 now) are encouraging the community first since its the community that will supply the information. Its not that they don't believe in the idea of the Guide, its that they are building it slowly.

Don't expect instant quality, that will come later. Enjoy the ride as it is now.

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