A Conversation for Elgin Marbles


Post 1


For some reason i had the feeling that these marbles(officialy called Parthenon marbles) miss the light.Greeks (me included )usually cry the first time they see them in British museum.And for sure politeness is something we have to learn.Meanwhile ,next time you come to Greece try to find a not tourist invaded place to see that deep inside all the people are polite all over the world.


Post 2


Yes. I went to see them in the British Museum very recently and tried to work out what was the most important thing that's missing. And you're right - it is the sun. Thanks for pointing that out.


Post 3


BTW Parthenon is not 5k years old, it's more like 2.5k smiley - smiley
I think Egypt can claim such an age for the pyramids, and then, perhaps China over some artifacts. My knowledge goes only thus far!


Post 4


You’re right I meant to say:

…which stands on the high ground of Athens, in Greece, "as religious monuments have for roughly 5,000 years…

But might be better just to say …which stands on the high ground of Athens, in Greece, as it has for roughly 2,500 years.

We’ll change it one way or other.

Thanks for point it out.


Post 5


Just to inform you that the Approved Entry has been corrected and now reads...'as it has for roughly 2,500 years'. I've also added an external link to an informative Parthenon site which may better answer any future questions that crop upsmiley - smiley


Post 6


Thanks Sam

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