A Conversation for h2g2 On the Move Walkthrough
I can't log in!
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Started conversation Jun 8, 2000
I've tried this on two different WAP emulators (at http://www.iobox.com/ and http://wapsilon.com/ ) and I get the same problem on both... after I log in, I get a welcome message, then it immediately takes me to another screen which says "This forum doesn't exist", then gives me a "404 object not found" error. Am I doing something wrong, or am I just dense?
I can't log in!
Bob (Herald to the ACEs) Posted Jun 11, 2000
no DR E you're not dense. I can't do it either (just hope it works when I get my phone...) this is why I posted that thing about the *********s in the password thingumy
Or maybe it's just that we're both dense I found that iobox tends to be fussy about a few WAP sites so maybe it's an emulation problem?
I can't log in!
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jun 11, 2000
Good old Bob - "Spending All His Money On A WAP Phone So You Don't Have To!"™
I can't log in!
Adam C-R Posted Aug 10, 2000
Most web-based WAP emulators will not be able to log in to h2g2 On the Move. Logging in requires WMLScript, which hardly any of the web emulators support. In fact, the only emulator I've seen that supports WMLScript is the SmartPhone Emulator available from http://www.yospace.com/ and even this appears to have trouble logging in.
However, I can assure you that it does work from real phones! I've tried it personally many times on different phones.
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I can't log in!
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