A Conversation for h2g2 On the Move Walkthrough
Er, yeah.
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Started conversation Apr 1, 2000
Right. This really helps. Sorry that's a *teeeny* bit confusing, but never mind.
Er, yeah.
Bob (Herald to the ACEs) Posted Jun 8, 2000
try using the WAP emulator (on your PC)wapsilon (http://wapsilon.com) and using the URL mobile.h2g2.com
Sorry if that sounds patronising but it helped me (and I haven't even got my own phone yet...)
Er, yeah.
Bob (Herald to the ACEs) Posted Jun 8, 2000
sorry that's not right... remember to put a slash at the end... mobile.h2g2/
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Er, yeah.
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