A Conversation for Anagrammitis

? Q&A chat ?

Post 161


Constipatedsmiley - roflThat's all that mad typing I missed that.Excellent!

? Q&A chat ?

Post 162


Cat are you still with us?
I'm thinking of of ditching "The Procrastinator"what do you think?hes getting old and wearisome but was smiley - ok at the start..maybe a newtons cradle at least that movessmiley - laugh

Oh incase your wondering thats the name of the wee fella with the pile of books.Oh I could choke this keyboard!

t? Q&A chat ?

Post 163


I'll have to stop drinkingsmiley - laugh
Thats twice I've posted in the wrong threads over the last twelve hours.
But it is (Anything) goes after all smiley - rofl

? Q&A chat ?

Post 164

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I just noticed there is a 't'in the subject title! i've taken it out so I hope it wasn't meant to be there.. don't loose the wee fella for ever I like him, can you put him on one of threads? and pic wise i'll trust your judgement smiley - smiley I did prefer the green to the cyan but thats only because my eyes don't pick up that colour so well butttttt my eye test is this afternoon so will have new specs soon smiley - ok

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 165

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

oops that's lose!

? Q&A chat ?

Post 166

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I think I should go back to bed, got the pics a bit muddled smiley - sadface will leave all in your capable hands smiley - smiley

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 167


Just thought I'd say that the new selection(people)quite obviously breaks the proper noun exclusion.
The exclusion of proper nouns however still applies to the main word threadssmiley - cheers

? Q&A chat ?

Post 168

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Sole, i've just got your 10 for SEES SNATCH, I thought that was very difficult was beginning to think there was an error could see the makings of 'chestiness', was going cross eyed looking at it and then it just appeared... hope its right after all that smiley - rofl

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 169

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Sole there's something wrong with your answer in 'anything goes' I just solved it and came in to post but i'll give you time to change your answer

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 170

Rudest Elf

smiley - erm ......perhaps I should get some sleep after all. Well spotted.
It wasn't a bluff, I promise. Your turn to post.

? Q&A chat ?

Post 171

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

thats smiley - ok I will post my version then...

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 172


Goodbody every morning..anyone homesmiley - laugh

? Q&A chat ?

Post 173

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

smiley - sorry was in the land of nod smiley - zzz and you should take heed of your name tag smiley - rofl

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 174


The tag is tongue in cheek..smiley - erm I haven't even tried a word yet!
It's been very slow recently in here.
Hope the new thread is easily understood.smiley - smiley

? Q&A chat ?

Post 175

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I was referring to your post in here.. I'm trying to sort out my page so not been doing a lot of words either but i'll get on to doing some soon.. smiley - smiley

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 176


Well what do you think of the new thread then? Do you think its enough to keep Venus from deserting us againsmiley - huhsmiley - rofl

Hi Jen, thought you would appreciate the new one..tee hee...smiley - hug

Oh I see you've lost that fuzzy feeling

? Q&A chat ?

Post 177


Hiya G
Yep that threads right up my street smiley - biggrin thankyou smiley - hug
The 'fuzzy' thing is still there but preceded by a hangover today ( not mine i hasten to add add) smiley - laugh

? Q&A chat ?

Post 178

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Oh I think you have Venus hooked now smiley - smiley it's a good one and I hope to be getting in there soon too smiley - biggrin

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 179


Alley cat had a peek at your page and intros and they are looking sweet!
Venus ts that ones got me temporarily stumped..so much so I'm going to attend to some RL intrusions..so take care y'all and hopefully see you soon..have fun...smiley - smiley G

? Q&A chat ?

Post 180


Oops sorry i meant to put a 'B' after my anagram.

Rudest Elf
Is that an 'A' or 'B' after your anagram?

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