A Conversation for Anagrammitis

? Q&A chat ?

Post 101


Hello friendssmiley - smileyHope you like your new front page.Its been very quiet here to today so not much solved..

Alley cat..
If you wish to take on that burden then that's fine by me.It is a lot of work keeping track but if you can do itsmiley - cool

It's an encouraging idea and something that can be worked onsmiley - cheers

Needless to say I shall be miles down the list as I spend more time chatting and working on pages"n" stuff (someone has to do it!smiley - erm

Keep up the pleasurable entertainment,

smiley - artist

? Q&A chat ?

Post 102

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I seem to do a fait bit of chatting myself these days but i'll get myself organised and get down to doing some words.. and I will gladly do the scores but would appreciate whether or not I should do it monthly or by the number of posts comments on this would be appreciated... also whether or not we just announce a winner for the month or first 50 threads etc or should all be shown I have kept the different threads separately as some may be better on one thread than another... comments required please...

Maybe having scores will give us something to work towards..

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 103

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I for one like the page, I think you have done a good job <saorry this should have been in the last post but I got bogged down with scores... smiley - smiley

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 104


It's a hard task and not compulsory Alleycat.It's best you work out the details for yourself if you wish to try it!It's your call babe and I'm sure we shall all appreciate it..G

? Q&A chat ?

Post 105

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

smiley - ok I will get back to you when i've worked something out.. the first results will be late but hopefully when i'm a bit more organised and know what direction i'm heading they will be posted on time..

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 106


Elf you have posted more unecessary chat on the word stream.How many times do you have to be asked before you understand?
How difficult is it for you to come in here (on this thread)and say what you have to to say?
I dont see the problem!
You are deliberately and persistently going against our wishes.
If you have to say anything more say it here.

? Q&A chat ?

Post 107

Rudest Elf

I have no wish to chit-chat; that is your pleasure. The message simply indicates that a clue can be expected soon, and is for all participants - not just those using this space. It is certainly not chit-chat (an anagram of which is 'CATCH S**T'!)

? Q&A chat ?

Post 108

Rudest Elf

Actually, it's an anagram of chit-chats...but you get my drift, I'm sure.

? Q&A chat ?

Post 109


smiley - okElf seems theres no compromise on your side.If you have to post a clue do it here.I have spent countless hours of my time working on this area so we can all enjoy it and dont wish it destroyed by your thoughtlessness.I see you have no appreciation of that.
I also have to warn you that posting expletives anywhere on here can result in you being suspended/and at worst barred.I may be forced to press this issue further as theres
evidence already of dodgy postings.What if a youngster visits this page for fun..?You have to keep in mind people of all ages use this facility.
Furthermore if you dont agree with the way things work here then go design your own anagram thread or go and haunt the old nines and tens.


? Q&A chat ?

Post 110

Rudest Elf

S**t writing may well be cause for dismissal from many an institution; writing 's**t'...come on Gordon, you have things quite out of proportion.

? Q&A chat ?

Post 111

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Artisan.. are you here? just thought i'd say I like the fine tuning on the page, it's looking better every day?

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 112


smiley - cheers I'm trying hard..think I'll give it a breather now..and try some words for a change..smiley - rofl

? Q&A chat ?

Post 113

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

yes it's about time we did some words, i'll do some soon going off for a while i'll be back at 9, hopefully with some solutions!

smiley - love s

? Q&A chat ?

Post 114


See ya later agitator..smiley - rofl

? Q&A chat ?

Post 115


Okay a wee clue for Dans mad porn ladies...its been sitting there too long...smiley - erm female adornment

? Q&A chat ?

Post 116


A big improvement dont you think?
Although it's not the final countdown...yet!!

? Q&A chat ?

Post 117

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Yes I do like it, i've not seen that pic before, you always manage to come up with something a bit different...

smiley - applause

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 118


Okay final clue for the hyphenated selection.

Firstly a clue for or those of you out there who are aware of modern music, I'm almost positive this was the title of Prince album..although dont quote me! smiley - laugh

Secondly a more direct clue for everyone else,A girls best friend and dont cast these before swine,clocks a ticking!

? Q&A chat ?

Post 119


Oh wellsmiley - sadface

real lifes a' calling>>>>smiley - run

? Q&A chat ?

Post 120


Hasn't anyone taken the bait for the other one?smiley - boing

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