A Conversation for Anagrammitis

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Post 181

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

smiley - sorry everyone, i'm forgetting to put the (A) or (B) after the letters will try harder in future smiley - smiley

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 182


I keep forgetting too smiley - sadface

? Q&A chat ?

Post 183


Hello friends smiley - smiley things are not moving so well today must be the weather!
I myself have had rather a traumatic day and I'm just here.But thats nothing to do with anagrams(is it?)
Anyway I see the new pop thread had a brief flourish but the rest are practically static, so lets see... I'm gonna try think up a clue to free the people selection up, because I think that could be fun (if) it gets going! smiley - laugh I'f anyone wants to moan or annoy me then this is the time as I'm ready to explode ..so god help the recipient....smiley - jester


? Q&A chat ?

Post 184


Okay he was as an American president and a laughable former actor..his middle name is included.
And if no-one has it sussed after that I'm gonna throw myself from the nearest tall building..>>>>>smiley - run

? Q&A chat ?

Post 185


No answer was the loud reply..I'll be back..>>>>>>>>smiley - coffee

? Q&A chat ?

Post 186


Alley.. Gary Haspro is that it..?

? Q&A chat ?

Post 187

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

No smiley - sorry this guy is extremely old and good with pies smiley - rofl

? Q&A chat ?

Post 188


Sweeney Todd..smiley - yikes

? Q&A chat ?

Post 189

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I don't think this one murdered anybody smiley - smiley he was also good with numbers...

? Q&A chat ?

Post 190


Gary Haspro stays a five minute walk from me..Ahem smiley - rofl

Good morning Venus,Elf !
Some good stuff going down..loved your New Kids one J...top class smiley - applause..I've not slept a wink at all, so if I disappear soon you know why !

I quite like the Pop thread and I'm glad its providing entertainment !
Are there ample choices or would you like to see some more ?

smiley - smiley

? Q&A chat ?

Post 191


Morning G smiley - smiley
whats this, not sleeping! smiley - sadface

? Q&A chat ?

Post 192


Things on my mind Venus,feel as though I'm running on a 2-amp fuse smiley - blue

And for once it's not down to noisy neighbours !

? Q&A chat ?

Post 193


AAawwww hun, thats not good smiley - hug
Well you know my e.mail addy if you want to talk about it smiley - smiley

Thought for the day

Post 194


When wine sinks,words swim...smiley - rofl

? Q&A chat ?

Post 195


I may well do just that !
after I sleep of course..smiley - biggrin

? Q&A chat ?

Post 196


Sleep would be good you know smiley - biggrin
I have to go soon, but i'll get back to you when i get home smiley - smiley You take it easy...and get some sleep smiley - hug
J xx

? Q&A chat ?

Post 197


Have a good day J.smiley - smiley

? Q&A chat ?

Post 198

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Sole, can we have a clue for the 9 letter word please, its been there for too long now and we could do with a change smiley - smiley

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 199

Rudest Elf

?9? Clue: Irish fruit?

? Q&A chat ?

Post 200

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Sole, I don't know what you mean in the 10's ?? 2 words?? sahould it not be in anything goes? and have you solved my letters?

smiley - love S

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