A Conversation for Anagrammitis

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Post 10861

Icy North

Somebody will spot it soon, Arty. I didn't think it was all that difficult.

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Post 10862


smiley - wow Sounds like your in there Icy mate, I always had a thing for the witchy type myself(in my yoof that is!) you know, the sultry, long-haired Stevie Nicks type stinking of patchouli. Ah those were the days...smiley - sigh

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Post 10863


No answer was the loud reply!smiley - biggrin Come back B'elana , all is forgiven..smiley - hug
smiley - lurk

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Post 10864


Okay, the odds are well stacked against me toppling you from the t/gram game now, so I point-blankly refuse to contribute from this week onwards. I just cannot win against favouritism and a fan base like that, can I?smiley - nahnahsmiley - tongueout

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Post 10865

Icy North

Dammit Arty what am I supposed to do about that? I don't know why I'm so attractive to all the ladies. Can I help looking like a Greek god? smiley - laugh

I hope you don't stop playing the telegram game. I really enjoy reading your submissions. smiley - sadface

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Post 10866


Not all!!!! just one that I can see.smiley - biggrin, let's get things into perspective heresmiley - smileysmiley - ok
-I'll think about it for a while smiley - whistle

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Post 10867

Icy North

Hey Arty...

You missed a bit. smiley - laughsmiley - artist

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Post 10868


You cheeky monkey, don't you just hate that when your trying really hard to do a job right and some fool wanders in and says that?
Here's a t/gram for you mate;
Typing Old Mince Obviously Really Rouses Old Witches......smiley - rofl

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Post 10869

Icy North

smiley - laugh I hope you submit that - I'd vote for it. smiley - ok

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Post 10870


What? and risk offending your admirer, no way Jose!- I'll think a bit harder and longer for a suitable submissionsmiley - laugh

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Post 10871


Is that one subtle enough?smiley - biggrin

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Post 10872

Icy North

I don't see what was wrong with the original. Anyway, doesn't she read this conversation?

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Post 10873


Jings crivens help ma boab, a never thocht ae that!
smiley - space
smiley - erm

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Post 10874

Icy North

smiley - laugh

I suppose I'd better solve a few anagrams while I'm here - be right back.

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Post 10875


It wasn't the use of the word witch, that's considered derogatory at the best of times, but as it's in her hootoo name I didn't think she really would have mindedsmiley - erm, it was the old part which made me think twice!
I'm sure the other one wont be taken the wrong way..smiley - smiley Anagrams, oh yeah thosesmiley - biggrin
You could leave a clue or two if your feeling generous.

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Post 10876


Off now my friend, thanks for the clue, I'll get round to setting some other words tomorrow,
smiley - cheers

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Post 10877

Icy North

smiley - cheers

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Post 10878

aka Bel - A87832164

I have no idea what you were talking about smiley - erm
I like your telegram Arty, aren't you going to post it ?
Oh, and what do you mean: all is forgiven ? What have I done ?
Anyway, I'm back now, I did survive the weekend smiley - magic

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Post 10879


Morning Icy, there's a certain ingredient in one of my deodorants at home, the aerosol says- now with added 'Icy complex"smiley - rofl
Suit you sir?smiley - erm
Which got me thinking... after your wedding did you have an icy reception?....smiley - groan

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Post 10880

Icy North

Don't talk to me about Icy complexes - I'm always suffering from them.

Glad to hear you've changed your deodorant, Arty. I heard the cornflowers were looking a bit peaky in the Greater Glasgow area.

smiley - biggrin

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