Royston, Hertfordshire

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Royston is a small town near Cambridge. Nobody ever has a good word to say about it. This is partly because of the lack of anything to do there. As a place to live it is dull but as a place to visit it has much to offer.
Royston is rich in history, boasting a (most likely unique) chalk cave dug out of the bedrock, James I's palace (where the death warrent for Sir Wlater Raleigh was signed by the aforementioned king) along with the Roysia stone (after which the town is named). There are also the gardens and the heath to the west of Royston.
The Roysia stone is best viewed before dark as once the sun sets the local youths take up position on it. Royston also offers the wonderful sights of the priory gardens. These, again, best viewed before dark. Royston is best seen in one day and then never revisted. The heathland (rich in archaeological interest) is also worth a visit. It consists of an area of desolate grassland, the fact that this is the highlight of any tour of Royston neatly demonstrates my point of nobody ever having a good word to say about the place.

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