Terri and Z's New Years Resolution

3 Conversations

Terri and Z have noticed the date, yes it's the first of Januray. It's that time to make resolutions that we might
not keep, but we'll at least try to.

The deal goes something like this1...

If Z can try and cut down on food, Terri can cut down on cigarettes

We'll post our daily progress here and it will be updated when Z gets bored and decides to create an attractive table.

Of course these aren't our only New Years Resolutions..

Buy a fish tankCreate a Roof Garden
Learn a bit more FrenchPass the Fourth year of my degree
Start doing some volentry workGo solo in a Glider2
1Ironically those are the opening words to a certain erotic lesbian novel printed when Z was about 16smiley - blush2Yes I know that Terri's is much more worthwhile, but hey I like gliding

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