QED 11
Created | Updated Dec 11, 2003

As the 25th December draws closer there will no doubt be a wealth of festive movies to entertain
and embarrass you in the coming days. To help you get into the Christmas spirit here's a few film titles
for you to fondly, or maybe not so fondly remember. After each film is the year that it was made, so
there should be no confusion over which film this quiz is referring to. All you have to do is decide
which of the three names that follow the films did not have a role in the Christmas offering.
If you would like to send your answers to us here at we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the
Ten Christmas Cinematic Crackers
- It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
A. James Stewart
B. Lionel Barrymore
C. James Cagney - White Christmas (1954)
A. Danny Kaye
B. Bob Hope
C. Bing Crosby - Scrooge (1970)
A. Albert Finney
B. Michael Caine
C. Alec Guiness - Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)
A. John Lithgow
B. Dudley Moore
C. Robin Williams - Die Hard (1988)
A. Robbie Williams
B. Alan Rickman
C. Alexander Godunov - Scrooged (1988)
A. Sharon Stone
B. Robert Mitchum
C. Bill Murray - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
A. Randy Quaid
B. Dennis Quaid
C. Chevy Chase - Home Alone (1990)
A. Joe Pesci
B. Catherine O'Hara
C. Maureen O'Hara - Miracle on 34th Street (1994)
A. Elizabeth Perkins
B. David Attenborough
C. Simon Jones - The Santa Claus 2 (2002)
A. Judge Reinhold
B. Michael Dorn
C. David Duchovney
Send your answers to [email protected], please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Tuesday 16th December 2003
Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back
Well done to Shazz and Justin, a well deserved medal for you both...
The Gold Medal Winners are -
ShazzPRME - Both song titles correct.
A. Dr Justin - Both song titles correct.
The Bemusing Beatle Beats Answers
The two extra 'Beatles' song titles were;
- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds