A Conversation for Frank Wolstencroft - Normandy Veteran
Birthday wish
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Mar 3, 2009
If I could have one wish on your birthday
I wouldn't need time to think,
I can't imagine anything I'd rather do
Than spent a little time with you
Birthday wish
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Mar 3, 2010
Another birthday and you're not here, but know we're all thinking about you today on your special day. I'll be taking Mum to Yvonne's for lunch today and we'll put out a portion of banoffee for you
to you Dad, much loved, forever missed
all the way to Heaven
Birthday wish
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Mar 3, 2011
...another year has come and gone, a lot has changed. You'd have loved my new partner Gordon and he'd have loved you
You have a new great-grandson Jaxon; I held him just last week and he is the image of his daddy Allan.
You live on through my family
All my love, always, Ann
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Birthday wish
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