A Conversation for Doormat of the Pythonist Society

I'm the first!

Post 21

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Sir Elton John Cheese heaving his hands in the air
"Why do people always keep forgetting about me?
I have this little resort, a dump place for pizza compensation clients."

I'm the first!

Post 22

AK - fancy that!


I'm the first!

Post 23


i love pizza.

I'm the first!

Post 24

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

lurking on his pipe
"I reccoment you should have a memory upgrade installed. Just five quiks ago we had the chocolat pizza party: < <./>F123979?thread=275497&skip=772&show=8</.> > Perhaps a defragmentation of your disks will be enough for the meantime, but I certainly recommend an upgrade."

Nephew Who comes in riding on the smiley - boing
"Pizza delivery!
Well, perhaps it does not look like one from the pizza factory. It is the kind my mother always makes for ourself."

I'm the first!

Post 25


my computer is going for devil incarnate of the year.

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