A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 161

Demon Drawer


*DD notices that noone is around who shouldn't be around and takes an Damson and Apple Jam Doughnut.*

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 162


*BS drops by for a lunchime savoury Brie and sundried tomato doughnut before heading over to the F&F for his lunchtime smiley - ale.*

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 163


Good idea. I think I'll join you. smiley - smiley

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 164

Demon Drawer

It's strange how I meet the same crowd at every location. smiley - smiley

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 165

Demon Drawer

It's strange how I meet the same crowd at every location. smiley - smiley

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 166


It's stranger how I meet only strange people at each location. smiley - winkeye

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 167


I suppose we ought to get out a bit more but, hey, you find a place you like, with company you like, you stay there, right?

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 168

Demon Drawer

Right. Hey if you guys like Italian pop on over to Mama Peta's Restaurante and help me sort out the decorating, menu etc.


Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 169


I like doughnuts more, I think, but why not?

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 170

The Cheese

*Gets self a Chocolate DNA and runs over to Mama Peta's*

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 171


The Cheese is on during BST daytime...smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 172

The Cheese

Ummm....I'm in the States on Eastern Standard Time and it's 9:19 AM at the time of this posting. Where is BST?

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 173


British Summer Time.... an hour ahead of Grenwich Meantime...smiley - smiley 2.49pm as of posting.

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 174

The Cheese

Well...can I please have a Chocolate DNA while you're here smiley - smiley?

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 175

Demon Drawer

What she's here, come to think of it why am I here now of all times?

*DD turns around and heads to w*** *

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 176

The Cheese

Does it really filter out work, or is that DD being silly?

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 177

Demon Drawer

Check out my homepage it refuses to type w*** for me anywhere from this terminal, maybe it's just a bad word for civil servants. I've no idea how it seems to only w*** on my system though. Ah well back to w***. smiley - smiley

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 178

Mr Hazmandoo (also know as Seven-of-Up to the crew of the Esirpretne)

*Wanders in noticing the distinct lack of people in the stall*

hmmm - unusual Mr Bond, where is everyone?

*Wanders out again in a vain search for someone to talk to*

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 179


Joanna and Eomando aren't here to hand out Doughnuts. smiley - sadface
More staff may have to be appointed, methinks.

Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Post 180


*scribbles on the wall*

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