A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach


Post 41

Demon Drawer

Oh great piece of flying there Joanna. Now what is the minmum stopping distance for a spaceship travelling at warp 5?


Post 42


Irrelevant. We aren't travelling at warp speed; its *much* to dangerous to do so in the solar system, at least it is on this ship!


Post 43

Demon Drawer

Our audience says. *PING* Yes that was our top answer and you win this mystery prize.

Disjointed voice: Yes Joanna has won this wonderful Mountain bike with a top impulse speed of .25 of Warp 1 ideal for coasting those out of the way places in the Sol Solar System.


Post 44


Thanks! Two prizes! smiley - bigeyes


Post 45


I don't suppose anyone has a handy rubber inflatable pum on them do they? Only, I am getting fed up bailing this tray with my hands.


Post 46


What's a "pum"?


Post 47

Demon Drawer

Good question.


Post 48


Perhaps it's short for 'pumice' smiley - smiley In which case, sorry, I haven't, but I do have an interesting line in Body Shop fruit soaps.


Post 49


*improbability factor infinity to 1 againt* says a faint voice ....

*in pops Courtesy*

Greetings all, love the place .... were's the beer?



Post 50



Probably with the bourbon I haven't been offered.

*peers around*



Post 51


Can I have a P please Bob? Thanks, there, it now spells Pump. Pump, pump, pump, do learn to spell boy!

If ther is alcohol going, I might just bob on over and try it out.


Post 52


Here - have a Pump! I must admit, I was getting worried as to what a rubber, inflatable pum might be....


Post 53


Pum: Noun, noise made by a tuba in childrens' cartoons. In the better sort of cartoon, the note would be seen to float out of the tuba and sail off into the sky. This effect was normally achieved using a rubber inflatable pum, TV budgets being rather small in those days.

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 54

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E materialises out of nowhere thanks to the small teleportation device in her hand*

Hello, glad I caught everyone up...smiley - smiley

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 55

Demon Drawer

*DD meanwhile is taking a leisurely swim in the pool*

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 56


*Joanna trims the course by 001 mark 010, having come to a tentative working relationship with the autopilot, whose name is Camberleigh*

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 57

Demon Drawer

*DD waves at Camberleigh*

I hope Tony Blair isn't around he might think I am drowning. smiley - smiley

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 58


I can't believe you accused Tony Blair of thinking!

So, how far have we swam so far?

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 59

Demon Drawer

Don't look at me ask the driver.

These little teleporters are amazing...

Post 60


Yeh, do you think I have broken the record for skimming on a tea tray yet? I'm getting all wrinkly pinkly and could do with a comfier seat.

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