A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 421


Mmm.... sounds nice... *has a chocolate supreme for breakfast*

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 422

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Enter YK]

[YK] Excuse me, but I think that in a short while, several members of STUMPED will be sent here by the mafia to attack the Saving the Galaxy Effort.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 423


Hi YK... ...oh dear...

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 424

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Don't worry. If they try something not-nice ...


[YK] ... Ifrit will take care of them.

[Ifrit] [a fire monster who is fortunately on YK's side] Damn straight! Where's those Bad Guys? I haven't had anything to fry since Shiva froze me!

[YK] They aren't here yet.

[Ifrit] D'OH!

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 425


* several hundred penguin mages appear. Their leader approaches *

[Penguin Archmage] Joanna, Princess of Darkness, we are here to protect your smiley - donut stall and your customers.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 426

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ifrit] Wow.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 427


* the penguins take up suitable positions to defend the smiley - donut stall *

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 428


*looks just generally... dark*

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 429

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Okay ... Places, everybody! Places! smiley - winkeye

[Ifrit] Heh heh heh ...

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 430


Can I have a chocolate supreme please, Joanna?

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 431


*hands over smiley - chocsmiley - donut in a preoccupied manner*

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 432


Any chance of a honey doughnut to celebrate ADSL? smiley - winkeye


I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 433


smiley - hug every chance smiley - smiley *hands over honey smiley - donut* *is only mildly envious smiley - winkeye*

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 434


The good news is that I'm not paying for it! smiley - silly


I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 435


*is actually jealous smiley - winkeye*

Mmmmmmm Donuts

Post 436


I'd love a donut, Joanna smiley - smiley Please may I have a surprise donut!!

*giggles inanely looking forward to his surprise*

Mmmmmmm Donuts

Post 437


Tonight's surprise donut is the Starburst (in celebration of me becoming Thingite Star Gazer just now)

Its an innocent looking donut, until you bite into it, whereupon you find little pellets of sherbert and lemon candy have been baked into it, creating a starburst effect on your tongue smiley - smileysmiley - starsmiley - rocketsmiley - star

Eat and enjoy, Busterbone! smiley - smiley

Mmmmmmm Donuts

Post 438

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ifrit] So when do we get to roast bad guys?

[YK] Just be patient.

Mmmmmmm Donuts

Post 439


mmm smiley - donut

mmm tiny pellets.....

Mmmmmmm Donuts

Post 440


As in rabbit pellets or shotgun pellets?


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