A Conversation for Ontario, Canada
My God, What Bull...
F. Zelphor Ghentlis, Esq. Started conversation May 6, 2000
1. The nude beaches are just fine in the summer, you know, June to September. That's when it's boiling hot. When did this guy show up, January?
2. $1CDN = 60-70 cents USD. Also, you forgot to mention any spare Canadian money can be spent in Buffalo at face value (i.e. $1CDN = $1USD) because Buffalo is a Canadian city trapped in the USA. (So is Detroit, but not as much, they don't get our comedies there).
3. Mounties, 99.9% of the time, are as dutiful as those guards with the funny hats in London England. Plus, they see this American media thing as something shameful, like a pimple on your ass.
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My God, What Bull...
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