Ontario, Canada

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Ontario, Canada (ON-TARE-EE-OH COH-MAH CAN-AH-DUH!!!!!) Noun, Verb, and Adverb.
A Province of the country canada

A guide to surviving in Ontariio
Tip 1: If you are male never ever ever go to a nude beach in ontario the combination of really cold weather and naked
women will only cause you a lot of embarresment and a lot of therapy (Yes this is speaking from personal experience)
Tip 2: Bring American Money you will be treated like a god and be loved by millions
(Logic behind this Tip: 1 american dollar = 100 Billion Canadian Dollars! For some reason though the prices are the same in canada as in america.)
Tip 3: Never ever rely on a mountie they are too busy with disney (example: The prime Minister was attacked at home gut his wife beat off the attacker with a wooden sculpture. What were his mountie bodygaurds doing. Well they were dressing up as Mickey Mouse and taking obscene photographs with Minnie Mouse)

Note: all views in this entry are only held by The Author and maybe Disney who knows?????

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