A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 181

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Lots of landing ships arrive, and the entire armed force of Kamino enters the city and begins fortifying the few entrances.*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 182

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Rothandan ships arrive on the surface, and lots of large containers and taken into the city*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 183

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The retribution and ch'kov's shuttle land on the pads. Ma'rol and the castellans disembark as does ch'kov*

Ch'kov: Err sir i think theres something i should tell you

Ma'rol: What admiral?

Ch'kov: well in your absence.. i am.. was in charge of kaminos defences and well.. they needed bolstering.. a lot

*Ma'rol looks confused then reaches out with the force. He looks stunned for a second, then races off to tipoca, followed by the castellans and Ch'kov*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 184

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Walks onto the landing pads, still in shock. He climbs aboard the retribution and it flies off to Yavin*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 185

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*lands and heads to his office, followed by od'sseus and the castellans*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 186

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The shuttle lands and the gungan is escorted to ma'rols office*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 187

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*the gungan and the troops board the shuttle and it flies off to the ice queen*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 188

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*WS9 lands, Co'bal comes down the gangway and waits for an escort*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 189

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*several guards walk out and Cobal is escorted to ma'rols office*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 190

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The admiral climbs aboard his shuttle and flies off to the tiger claw*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 191

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Enters the White Star and leaves Kamino*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 192

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Ma'rol points to the new ship, a larger a sleeker vessel, with crew quarters for all the castellans, there 'steeds', plus several other rooms*

*They all climb aboard and the unnamed ship flies off into space*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 193

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The ship lands and all its crew, the dewbacks, and the materials are taken into Tipoca*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 194

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*WS9 lands.....again*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 195

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*R2 comes trundling over to Co'bal beeping and twittering*

Whats up R2

*R2 beeps*

Oh does he, well we'd better go and see what he wants

*R2 beeps a raspberry beep*

Naughty droid, he probably thinks the same about you too

*Beckons to a castellian*

Tell Ma'rol I hhave a meeting on Coruscant, I will return in a few days*

*Climbs the gangway and WS9 takes off*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 196

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*WS9 lands and Co'bal gets out*

*To castallians*

I come with a request for Primie Minister Laroo from Cancellor Kellin of the Republic

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 197

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

GUARD: The prime minister is busy with war preparations.. what does the chancellor request

*Another guard scuttles off*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 198

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Chancellor requests a meeting with the Prime Minister to see if war can be avoided, I will be acting as mediator as I am neutral in the affair

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 199

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

GUARD: What are the terms?

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 200

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Folds arms and taps foot*

You'll know when the Prime Minister knows, these are affairs of state, not to be disscussed openly

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