A Conversation for Substitute Teachers

Well I don't do that!

Post 1

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I try to actually teach.I may not be an expert but I try my best.I'm more likely to try than a fellow colleague who will just use the cover lesson to mark their own work.I have no marking to do so I get on with making sure the work is done and that any child who has difficulty gets help,that any child that finishes get extra work.This doesn't always work because although I'm a bit of an all rounder I can't teach every subject.However I usually manage to get the gist or I find a smart child to explain it to me(IT).If the worst comes to the worst I will ask for other work especially if I think the work set is too hard for the abilities of the group.Thank God schools are now allowed to work around the National Curriculem.
Anyway I'm not a substitute I'm a supply teacher.
I would scorn to go into a class room and NOT try to teach.Humph!


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