Substitute Teachers

2 Conversations

( I would first like to make some comments: I hope that this is not to unfunny, and with any luck might be somewhat funny. I would also like to say feel free to tell me how bad this and feel even more so free to tell me that it's good)

Taken at a first glance a substitute is a word with far too many "t"s in it. But that's not at all what this is about, this is about substitute teachers (a person who replaces a teacher from generaly 1 to 5 days)
First of all, a substitute is called for by a teacher. Say it is some rainy morning, a teacher mearly phones the school and says, "Hello? Yes I can't make it today, could we get a substitute for me". And so the teacher leaves a bunch of droning busy work and spends the rest of the day drinking tea and watching soap operas in bed.
The substitute comes in to class and leaves the students a bunch of droning busy work, and then sits down and doesn't do anything.
This makes the teacher one of the easiest jobs on earth, with the exception of bed testers, substitutes, and the such.

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