A Conversation for How To Survive A Trade Show

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 21


Now there's a thought smiley - bigeyes

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 22


A thought I'm desperately trying not to visualise.

Here's some distraction -

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 23

Rudest Elf

smiley - oksmiley - ok

"I'm not quite sure how to say it neatly though." Oh yes you do, SWL smiley - biggrin . However, having witnessed your debating skills, I think it best that I drop the matter.

And Fizzy, sweet of you to say, "I'm not as clever an editor", but if I see more than you, it's only because I'm a very slow reader.

Tell you what, though, I do like to see authors criticise each other's work; it makes me feel less of an insensitive brute, somehow...smiley - smiley .

Also, I would never rely on a spell-checker (in fact, I don't use one at all). As you know, a 'correctly spelled' word can be wrong in inappropriate circumstances. So, I check anything that looks a bit strange with various dictionaries instead - I wouldn't win a 'spelling bee', and that's a fact.

Wishing the Entry a speedy delivery.

smiley - reindeer

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 24

Sho - employed again!

ok, I used to work for a trade show organiser, and (for different companies) I have attended lots and lots.

I'm not going to comment on your actual content, which is great, just make a few observations which may or may not be useful for this. I should add that most of my experienced is based in that haven of trade shows: Germany

so, in no particular order:

-An awful lot of shows do not allow actual selling on the stands, but lots do (so the last day tip for buying is great). In my industry our product is high-end and expensive so we don't tend to make special deals, but we do go to shows to give out information and meet and greet. (and scope the opposition)

-As a veteran of the Frankfurt Book fair (it happens at plenty of others too but I have my best experience with books for this) I can offer a further tip that on the last day companies often offload, free, gratis and for nothig, everything heavy that will cost a fortune to freight back. So, here's a chance to get all those beautifully illustrated Japanese cookery books, or rulers, pens, pencils or whatevers the companys are handing out with their logos on (certainly saves on buying something for the kids at the station/airport)

-I have a pair of really good lightweight walking boots. Between halls I wear those (this is my CeBIT strategy) and just slip on my posh business-suit shoes when I get inside. trainers also fit nicely in a briefcase (put them in a shoebag)

-be careful if you are pulling a trolley with an open top (I've seen it a lot) because some stand staff just chuck brochures in them. Oh and prune your leaflet/brochure collection ruthlessly. Most companies have pretty extensive websites these days so collecting business cards really saves on lugging stuff around

-peppermint foot lotion

-bottle of water

-if you are attending as a purchaser and you are having trouble finding a hotel, ask one of your suppliers who is exhibiting to help you (they often book too many, or may have good connections)

-also, as a purchaser, ask your suppliers for free tickets. Some shows are really stingy, but some are quite good for that

-get the floor plan as much in advance as possible to plan your route before you even leave the office, and try to make fixed appointments that don't mean you're running backwards and forwards too much

-in German cities, entry tickets often include the tram/bus ride from your hotel and back

-as an exhibitor: make sure that there is somewhere to lock your personal posessions. Also make sure (if you have enough staff, if you're a one man band - tough luck) that you can get at least one break per day where you can walk around outside. (take trainers or walking boots)

oh and can I make one more comment not really related to the entry as such: if you are working on a stand and you're eatingor smoking or constantly chatting on the phone I won't come near you.

smiley - smiley

nice entry!

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 25


How's this one going? smiley - smiley

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 26


I want to include some of Sho's points, but I'm in Ireland this week so it'll need to wait until the weekend.

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 27

Sho - employed again!

smiley - ok

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 28


OK, thanks Sho. I've incorporated a few of your points with my own take on them. Might need a bit of proof-reading as I'm a bit wabbit tonight.

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 29

Sho - employed again!

oh - smiley - smiley

I'll try to get around to having another peep soon. But it's the school holidays right now...

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 30

Rudest Elf

With apologies to Sho, this show must go on! smiley - groan

Last few queries:

Intro: [information technology]

Parking 4th para: [Many venues will permit only vans and lorries into the loading bays]

Tips For Buyers 7th line: [seem]

Cheeky Tips 2nd line: Commas not needed

Minesweeping 1st line: Nothing wrong with that, except that you use 'desperate' again later in the paragraph (where it works even better). How about 'anxious to go home' or 'impatient' or another synonym?

Minesweeping 2nd para: (and sweep them into your bag)?

Setting Up the Stand 3rd para 1st line: [no one]

Reading The Customers 3rd para 2nd line: [titillate]

smiley - reindeer

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 31


Thanks Rudest Elf smiley - cheers

I've left Information Technology in, as I feel IT is recognised as a market in itself and Information Technology is therefore worthy of capitalisation.

I've changed the wording of the cars & lorries bit to hopefully be less confusing.

I'm leaving "sweeping" to reinforce the connection with "Minesweeping"

Grammar & spelling errors noted & changed smiley - biggrin

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 32

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Lookin' good to me SWL smiley - ok

smiley - mouse

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 33

h2g2 auto-messages

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 35

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit studying
"Congratulations smiley - bubbly free smiley - gift

Do we have a complementary entry on how to survive as a 'customer' (Preferrable without buying anything.)"

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 36

aka Bel - A87832164

The latter is easy enough: just leave your wallet at home. smiley - biggrin

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 37

Rudest Elf

Congratulations smiley - bubbly (& apologies for not getting back earlier).

Reading The Customers 3rd para 2nd line: [titillate] (can't imagine what could have caused you to lose concentration) smiley - smiley

smiley - reindeer

p.s. I still think you should consider rephrasing this:

It contains a couple of grammatical errors - I think this is marginally better:

'Also, make a point of grabbing every spare sample and freebie you can, in the manner of 'That's mine', sweeping them into your bag before anyone can object (minesweeping).'

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 38

Sho - employed again!

smiley - bubbly for being picked


smiley - wah because I've now got time to read it (school started back today)

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 39

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - bubbly

smiley - applause

Well done.

smiley - mouse

A20448867 - How To Survive A Trade Show

Post 40


Completely forgot about this one.

Changes made Rudest Elf smiley - cheers

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