A Conversation for Masters of the Multi-verse!

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 681

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

A flea and a fly were caught in a flew.
They were trapped so what could they do?
Lets fly said the flea. Lets flee said the fly.
So toghether they flew out the flaw in the flew.

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 682

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

and you say Supermoo has too much free time... *shakes head and does he...* MAMBO!

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 683

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Supermoo DOES have way too much free time. EVERYBODY MAMBO!

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 684

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

he ment that you do too...

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 685

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

i know. But i was reaffirming my position.

Evil Army Invades this was the first one right? Spelled with a K of Kourse

Post 686

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

you're both having of the free time excess of.

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