A Conversation for The Discworld vs. The Real World

Discworld/Real world

Post 1


Granted, Discworld rocks whilst this world sucks. So the obvious question is, how can I get there? Answers on a postcard....

Discworld/Real world

Post 2

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Well, if we assume similar afterlife arrangements in the Real world as in the Discworld (A tall order admittedly), then think you deserve to go to DW. Then find a wall, put your head down and forward, and run as fast as you can. I make no guarantees. Actually I do, 'cos who's going to collect.

Anyway, I want to meet the Bursar and shake his trembling hand.

Discworld/Real world

Post 3


Hmmm... meeting an extra-dimensional entity would either be very bad for the Bursar's mental stability, or else he alone would be completely unsurprised by the whole thing; probably depends on how many of the old dried frog pills the chap's had recently.
Personally, I'd quite like to meet the Librarian. Hmm... that's a point... maybe there's a way to ge via L-Space? Then again, appearing in the darkest reaches of the UU library wouldn't really be conducive to a long and happy stay on the Disc...

Discworld/Real world

Post 4

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Or indeed inside your body.

Discworld/Real world

Post 5


That's a point. Even if I managed to stay in my body, there's no guarantee the body I went in with would be the one I came out with afterwards. That's assuming I even got out, of course. But surely risking life, limb and basic species type is one of the main attractions of a strong magical field?

Discworld/Real world

Post 6

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

I would have said it was more fun watching other people undergo such an ordeal from a safe distance. With a iconograph, of course.

Discworld/Real world

Post 7


That's a strange sense of fun you have there...
..and it's always possible that the imp in the iconograph would refuse to paint what it saw (or would just be covering its eyes in horror).
But, apart from that...smiley - bigeyes

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