The Discworld vs. The Real World

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Created, or if not, bestowed upon the rest of the world via the wisdom of Terry Pratchett. The Discworld is, indeed, a fabulous place in every respect.

Any world that is shaped like a Disc and carried through space on the backs of 4 huge elephants, who are in turn supported by a gigantic tortoise named the Great A'Tuin, has got to be a pretty good place to exsist. Especially due to the fact that it is surrounded completely by a purplish layer of haze, which is octarine (the colour of magic).

It is a world where magic still exists in huge quantities, people (or at the very least, beings) still believe in each other, luggage walks around on hundreds of little legs (no more back injuries) and survival is almost assured (unless the Gods have it in for you).

Even the dreaded figure of the grim reaper (otherwise known as Death), despite his appearance (a seven foot skeleton with a scythe and a face that is stuck in a permanent grin), is actually a decent bloke. A fair guy who has a softness for a good curry and a fluffy pussycat.
:-) ><> :-) ><> :-) ><> :-) ><>

The real world is a lot like the Discworld in absolutely no way possible. Our world is a sphere, a blue and green one at that. With a layer above the surface, not quite as interesting as the Discworld's layer of magic. In fact, our globe is a lot like a cotton garment that's been through the wash once too often. A bit dried out and full of holes and stretches in the most awquard places.

On the planet Earth, things appear to happen without reason. At least, people can't trace incidents back to the Gods without sounding like they're just trying to cover up the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.

Death, the Gods and humans themselves kill indiscriminately and without any real conscience. In some countries, we, strange beings that we are, wipe out entire colonies of others just like us, for the simple reason of a slight, three-shade difference in skin-colour or religion.

In other words, the real world isn't nearly as much fun as the Discworld and life would be so much easier for everyone if we all migrated there.
:-( ><> :-( ><> :-( ><> :-( ><>

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