Things you can do with macaroni and other pasta shapes other than eat it

1 Conversation

Here are some suggestions for some things you can make with the many varieties of pasta shapes that are available1

The macaroni necklace

Take some macaroni and a bit of string. Paint the macaroni with bright coloured paints and then thread the string through them. Tie a knot in the end and you have a rather attractive necklace. Other variations include the macaroni bracelet if the piece of string isn't long enough.

The pasta picture

Many a day was spent in primary school making pictures out of macaroni. Put some glue on the pasta shapes and just stick them to a piece of paper in an interesting way. Different pasta shapes give the picture different textures.

The pasta picture frame

Get an old picture frame, glue some pasta shapes to it and then paint with bright colours. This is the perfect way to display those pasta pictures.

The pasta sculpture

Using pasta shapes and pipe cleaners, it is possible to make many different objects, such as furniture for an Ikea style dolls house.

The macaroni snake

  1. Take a whole packet of dry macaroni and thread each piece on to a piece of string which is long enough to be dragged on the floor behind you
  2. Allow enough string at one end to loop it round your wrist and tie a knot to secure it
  3. Tie a triple knot at the opposite end to ensure that the macaroni doesn't fall off
  4. Paint the macaroni in bright colours
  5. Place your wrist through the loop

Suggested by Deano's little sister

Portable Jenga

Pick out the more straight pices and stack them in groups of three on top of each other

Suggested by TechnicolorYawn

Green Cross Code Infomercial

Tip the contents of the tin of pasta shapes in tomato sauce onto a suitable surface, and with the addition of a small toy car as a prop, a chilling comment on the increasing number of deaths on our roads can be created

Suggested by TechnicolorYawn

The Turner Prize

A single piece of macaroni, sitting in the middle of the floor.

Do you have any suggestions for things you can make with macaroni?

Please submit them in the forum below.

1These only work with the dried varieties of pasta that you get in packets, and not the pasta shapes in tomato sauce that you get in tins

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