The Post 300 Graphic Competition
Created | Updated Feb 22, 2007
Now is your chance to be creative and see your artwork displayed in The Post!
The h2g2 Post - Edition 300 Competition
The next edition, due out on 8th March, sees the publication of The Post's 300th offering. We would like you to design a suitably celebratory graphic to embellish the Front Page. Anything will be considered, but entries should contain the words 'The Post' and '300' or '300th' It should not exceed 500 pixels width by 80 pixels in height.
Rules and Guidelines
- Entries must be all your own, original work.
- You must include your h2g2 user number and name with your entry.
- Only graphics in .jpg or .gif format will be accepted.
- They should not exceed the sizes mentioned above. Any larger submissions may be accepted, but will be reduced accordingly.
- Entries must comply with the House Rules of this site.
- Entries should arrive no later then 04.03.07 at midnight GMT. Late entries will not be accepted.
- The winning entry, as chosen by the consensus of The Post Team, will appear as the Header Graphic in this special edition and the artist will get a heartfelt thank you in the editorial from the whole Post Team.
Send your entries to The
Post Box using this clickable link.
The Post Graphic Challenges