A Conversation for h2g2 Vampires of The Dark Alleyway
Secret Door, revealed
Anonymouse Started conversation Jan 13, 2005
I've not had the time to test this myself, but it seems the secret door is no longer a myth (if ever it was). The general buzz at The Abyss is that it is real (and many have claimed to have sucessfully tested this claim). The trick:
Go to WCL & NCL (the very top, left corner of the city). Once you move into the square, click 'my vampire' to view your details. Then click "Give Me Blood" to return to the city (clicking the 'city' link at the top has been disclaimed as not working). You should find yourself at some distant point in the city. Those on a quest atm are not recommended to try this, as the 'displacement' seems to be quite random, though tending much to be somewhere along the southern limits.
Secret Door, revealed
Anonymouse Posted Jan 13, 2005
Oh yeah.. the Abyss thread:
Secret Door, revealed
Anonymouse Posted Jan 13, 2005
So sorry. Seems TheEnd had come to the Secret Door:
Posted by TheEnd:
"I emailed RavenBlack asking about the quirk and got a quick responce.
Raven Black wrote:
Thanks for mentioning. Now fixed.
Not exactly the response I was looking for, but I imagine this 'secret door' served as an annoyance to some. Sorry about ruining the free teleport, guys. Razz"
Secret Door, revealed
Post Team Posted Jan 13, 2005
Ahah! Perhaps that's why we couldn't log on earlier - he was fixing a hole where the rain gets in to stop our minds from wandering...
Secret Door, revealed
Batty_ACE Posted Jan 14, 2005
Guess the door's history then.. My fault.. I chased a white into there but got hungry and had a snack.
Now he's REALLY late for his very important date!
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Secret Door, revealed
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