Star Trek - The Project: Ships
Created | Updated Mar 3, 2004
Part of Star Trek - The Project, a community project.
Get Your Very Own Ship!
Federation Ships
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 (Constitution class)
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 - A (Constitution refit)
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 - B (Excelsior class)
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 - C (Ambassador class)
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 - D (Galaxy class)
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 - E (Sovereign class)
For matters of simplicity, all other ships are split into TOS era and TNG era ships. TOS depicts ships in service during Kirk's career. TNG depicts ships in service in Picard's career. A * denotes a ship that did not appear in any episode or movie, but which is refered to elsewhere, such as in a game or the Star Trek Encyclopedia.
TOS Era (23rd Century)
U.S.S. Constitution NCC (Class ship)
U.S.S. Excelsior NX 2000, NCC 2000 (Class ship)
U.S.S. Grissom NCC 638 (Oberth class)
U.S.S. Reliant NCC 1864 (Miranda class)
U.S.S. Saratoga NCC 1937 (Miranda class)
U.S.S. Yamoto* (Class ship)
U.S.S. Missouri* (Class ship)
U.S.S. Ulusses* (Class ship)
U.S.S. Lexington* (Class ship)
U.S.S. Lexington NCC 1709 (Constitution Class)
U.S.S. Akula* (Class ship)
TNG Era (24th Century)
U.S.S. Voyager NCC 74656 (Intrepid class)
U.S.S. Defiant NCC 74205 (Class ship)
U.S.S. Stargazer NCC 1974 (Constellation class)
U.S.S. Saratoga NCC 31911 (Miranda class)
U.S.S. Appalachia NCC 52136 (Steamrunner class)
U.S S. Prometheus NX 59650 (Class ship)
U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC 63549 (Akira class)
U.S.S. U.S.S. Rutledge NCC 57295 (New Orleans class)
U.S.S. Lexington NCC 14427 (Excelsior Refit Class)
U.S.S. Lexington NCC 61832 (Nebula Class)
U.S.S. Akula NCC 278A (Akula Class)
U.S.S. Yamoto NCC 71808 (Galaxy Class)
U.S.S. Ulysses NCC 78630 or 66808 (?) (Nebula Class)
The Defiant, Steamrunner and Prometheus class vessels are all part of Starfleet's experimental warship strategy, designed to defend against agressive threats to the Federation such as the Borg and the Dominion.
Klingon Ships
D7 class
D7-A class
K't'inga class
Bird of Prey class
Vor'cha class
Romulan Ships
Bird-of-Prey (BoP)
Romulan D7-A
Scout ship
Borg Ships
Cardassian Ships
Galor class
If You Want To Help
If you want to make a contribution, any help is appreciated. Here's the proceedure;
- Start a new conversation on this entry. Make the title the ship you are going to write an entry on, and in the conversation state what you are going to cover. This way, it should prevent two people working on the same subject at the same time (which is annoying for you and can lead to complications).
- Write your entry, making sure to tick the "Not For Review" check box.
- Post a message to my personal space: U196159 when your entry is complete and ready to be linked to.
- If you want help with editing, add me as a researcher on your entry.
That's about it.