A Conversation for Smudger Snippets


Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Excellant smudger.
I am so glad I am catching up with your writings tonight.
These 3 I have read and posted are such good topics for where I am in my head right now.
Thank you smiley - gift

I take promises very seriously.
There are times I honestly do not feel I can promise a specific thing (under great pressure)but promise to do my best and make it a priority. It makes people take a step back but it's the truth for some instances and I think appreciated if they know me.

Promising a child is the most important kind in my view because you are teaching them how to do the same and take it seriously the rest of their lives.


Post 2


Hi Abbi, Your right about making promises to a child, I think it was that I had in mind when I wrote it! I remember making a promise that I would home to my kids when they were younger, and it was that important to me that I hardly recognised the dangers I was facing driving through a blizzard to get there!smiley - erm I never did make it, but spent the night in a ditch after my car slid off the roadsmiley - erm I survived, but never made any more rash promises ever again!smiley - oksmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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