A Conversation for Community Choice

Writing groups on the web?

Post 1


Hi - I'm thinking of putting together an article for a writing mag about the best writing groups on the web. I think h2g2 is a really good space for would-be writers to know about. Can anyone recommend any other writing websites that might be worth taking a look at for the proposed article? Thanks smiley - smiley

Writing groups on the web?

Post 2


Hi LizzyVee

There are a few writing groups listed on this page

Writing groups on the web?

Post 3


There's www.writerscafe.org , which I came across at a link from myspace, and visit quite a bit.
The quality of work is very high, it's possible to leave and receive reviews, as well as illustrate pages and poems with uploaded graphics,photos, and even music.


Writing groups on the web?

Post 4


Thanks for that - really helpful. I'll have a look at Writer's Cafe and the other links.

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