A Conversation for 1Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A19006201 - Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon

Post 1


Entry: Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon - A19006201
Author: Leo - "And Lo! The frowny one smileth." - U519437

Stashing these here for a week for comment and work before finishing finishing finishing the project forever.

A19006201 - Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon

Post 2


smiley - boing done done done! And not bad, either.

One down, a bunch to go...

A19006201 - Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon

Post 3


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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A19006201 - Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon

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