A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

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Post 1041

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Ah yes, I was a muse a long long time ago...I'll have to go and see if the musehome still exists!

All I do is encourage you to write poetry.


The direct approach is always the best I find smiley - smiley
P.S - of course you're good at poetry- it's all in the mind...

Maybe I'd better have another smiley - ale after all.

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Post 1042

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

I'll join you. I'd like to get as good and smashed as I can. I dosn't help me write better, but it often seems like it at the time.

I need a drink
give me a swallow
I could use a keg
My legs are hollow

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Post 1043

Dancing Ermine

I can't get to see the live chat smiley - blue

Need smiley - stiffdrink

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Post 1044

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

Live chat?

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Post 1045

Dancing Ermine

It's been on the front page for the last three days, DNA is doing a Live Chat session at the BBC about the join up between the Beeb and H2G2. There should be a link from there.

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Post 1046


*slopily pours smiley - ale*

Here you go. smiley - smiley

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Post 1047

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Ah yes, I find that pouring smiley - ale slopily stops it fizzing up so much.

So, did DNA say anything about h2g2? I had to w*rk. smiley - sadface

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Post 1048


And I was down the pub IRL.

*hence dodgy typing this evening*

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Post 1049


Drinking off duty eh? In that case, may I have a smiley - ale before you fall over? Hehehe

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Post 1050

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

might be too late Kes...

*pours 2 smiley - ales justin...*

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Post 1051

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

pour me an smiley - ale and I'll sing you a song
And I'll make sure to hand you my keys

Lend me cab fare and I'll buy you a smiley - stout
if your a smiley - nurse then i'll take you with ne.

Everybody now

I need a little help from an smiley - ale
I get by with a little help from an smiley - ale

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Post 1052

Dancing Ermine

I need a little help from a nail
I get by with a little help from a nail

Personally I'd prefer a screwdriver smiley - bubblysmiley - winkeye

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Post 1053

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

What would you do if i threw up on you
would you smack me and finish my smiley - ale
What if i said that your girls good in....
would you hit me with a bottle of smiley - ale

Oh no now

please don't break glass on the stool
please don't break glass on the stool

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Post 1054

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

i'm sorry i just really like that song

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Post 1055

Dancing Ermine

An, erm, ....interesting rendition...

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Post 1056


any chance of a smiley - stiffdrink?

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Post 1057

Dancing Ermine

Well I guess I'm the most experienced barbeing about ATM so

smiley - stiffdrink, for your delectation
smiley - bubbly as requested by myself
and a couple of smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale should keep Jonah going smiley - smiley

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Post 1058

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

Thank you sir. Hadn't realized you were the bartender.

Sorry bout the singing I'll try to keep it down. Unless you've got requests. I'm American (yes I know) so I'm not hip to a lot of local or predominantly english songs. But beware, I slur when i slosh

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Post 1059

Dancing Ermine

I hadn't realised I was the bartender either, I've been on Sabbatical for the last few months and only got back this week.

Mind you Student<--->Bar; it was only a matter of time before they are in proximity smiley - bigeyes

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Post 1060

Jonah, Keeper of people who don't know what they're doin for at least 75% of the time

I'm not sure I understand. But I may be wrong

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