A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

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Post 7381

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

*pats EV sympathetically on the back*

Just get it out your system, you'll feel better afterwards.

*hangs around, wondereing what a half digested picture of Queen Victoria would look like*

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Post 7382

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You'll find out just as soon as I get it out of my system...

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Post 7383


Let me know when you do - apparently there's a nice space for it on the wall at the Saatchi abode next to their bed and jars of pickled sheep smiley - weird

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Post 7384

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Did anybody else hear about that blood sculpture Charles Saatchi had in his freezer which melted when a workman in his house unplugged it... Yeuch!

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Post 7385


I hadn't heard about it! Has the workman joined the remains of the sculpture in the freezer now?

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Post 7386

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I heard that in Russia, a statue of a giant nose was stolen a few months ago. Here in NJ, we're having a problem with statue vandalism all over the state.

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Post 7387

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Is that what happened to Michael Jackson's nose? smiley - erm

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Post 7388

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Over here, some guy chopped off Maggie Thatcher's head...well off her statue anyway smiley - biggrin

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Post 7389

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Better than nothing... smiley - cheers

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Post 7390

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

In one NJ tow, a giant aluminum bear was stolen.

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Post 7391

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Liberated bears smiley - erm

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Post 7392


What purpose did the bear statue have in the first place? Or was it a development prototype of a mechanoid bear? Or just a bear that had the misfortune to slip into a large tank while on a tour round a smelting works?

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Post 7393

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

We've got a statue of a giant bee outside Macdonalds where I live. It's supposed to be a hornet, because that's the nickname of our local football team, but it's definitely a bee.

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Post 7394

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Australia is filled with such tacky statues: the big pinapple, the big prawn, the big banana, the big merino...

Truly scary stuff

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Post 7395

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

In Glasgow there is a fairly recent statue of the late First Minister of Scotland, Donald Dewar. Which is fair enough. However, for reasons which have never become clear, it is bright green.

smiley - huh

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Post 7396

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

smiley - erm perhaps pigeons don't like green?

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Post 7397

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Perhaps, but it makes the poor man look terribly smiley - ill. And where he got that horrendous green suit, I'll never know.

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Post 7398

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

doesn't sound like a very good look, i must admit.

Perhaps someone on the council didn't like him, or maybe there was a special on green paint that week...

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Post 7399

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Or it could have been commissioned by a rabid Blackadder fan.

"Mr Dewar was a fine, upstanding gentleman, and we intend to honour him with a statue, made entirely from the finest green!"

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Post 7400

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I'll have 3 smiley - ale thanks.

One for each goalsmiley - magic

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