A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

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Post 7401


*grudgingly pours 3 smiley - ale*

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Post 7402

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*doesn't mention the smiley - football*
*helps himself to a smiley - ale*

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Post 7403

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

What smiley - football are we not mentioning?

*helps herself to a well deserved smiley - stout*

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Post 7404

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I daren't mention it. I wouldn't want to offend Menza

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Post 7405

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Pretty much all of it. smiley - cheers

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Post 7406

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Oh ok. So...mmm. Nice weather we've been having.

*racks her brains for pub talk*

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Post 7407

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Personally I find it around 0.6 degrees colder than optimum, but not bad, yes. smiley - geek

*drinks smiley - ale*


*drinks more smiley - ale*

So... did anyone see the football last night? smiley - biggrin

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Post 7408

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

I watched Wales as that's where I live. Not a bad match, but I've seen better. But since it was Wales v Bosnia, it was kinda to be expected really. More looking forward to the Six Nations on Saturday though!

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Post 7409

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Is it this Saturday? Oh, I suppose it is. I remember seeing the trailers, but then I got sidetracked wondering why the BBC thought it was appropriate to use "Army" by Ben Folds Five as the backing music, and forgot to think about the rugby. smiley - erm Who's playing who?

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Post 7410

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Well Wales are playing Italy and England are playing France (should be a good one) and Scotland are playing Ireland on Sunday.

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Post 7411

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh bloody hell. Er, I mean, great! That gives us a chance to show Ireland what we're really made of. We won't get absolutely trounced like we did in the football, oh no. smiley - erm

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Post 7412

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

It'll be an interesting watch anyway. To be honest, I don't fancy your chances much, as I quite fancy the Irish to do well this year, but we'll see. I'm rarely right when it comes to Six Nations predictions!

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Post 7413

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

To be honest, I don't fancy our chances much either. Maybe I watch too much football... smiley - ale

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Post 7414

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Although, you've got to give the Scotish credit for dedication , I was watching a program which was showing them training in the snow! smiley - yikes I couldn't believe it!

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Post 7415

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

However I shall be listening to the France/England game with my French shirt on on Saturday! I've got really high hopes for them this year. Did I hear Grand Slam? smiley - laugh

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Post 7416

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

So we'll be alright if it snows. smiley - cheers

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Post 7417

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hmmm, satellite delay.


Grand slam? No, it was just the wind blowing the door shut. smiley - tongueout

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Post 7418

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

*has another smiley - stout*

Hmmmm, beer. It's been such a long day! And it's *whisper* V Day tomorrow (or should I say today now?).

smiley - cheers

Need to go the off licence tomorrow to get some beers in for saturday, have to pretend to cheer on Wales as some of my (Welsh) friends are coming round.

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Post 7419

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You had to mention the V-word, didn't you? smiley - cross Oh well, last year I had to spend money I didn't have on presents that weren't appreciated. This year I have some money and I can spend it all on myself, ha ha ha ha.... I'd better stop before this turns into a Johnny Vegas-style rant. smiley - biggrin

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Post 7420

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Here have a smiley - ale. And even better, it's free! I am planning to go out with my friends to see 8 mile tonight (the least romantic film we could think of) then we're going to get royally rat arsed with all the money we didn't spend on presents!

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