A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle
The Snug
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jun 4, 2001
*considers taking the beer whilst Bagpuss isn't looking*
*is going again in a minute, just thought she'd appear and point out how dedicated she was being with not using h2g2 until after her exams are over*
*realising now there's a flawed argument there*
The Snug
Bagpuss Posted Jun 4, 2001
Hey, don't worry; I'm supposed to be working on this computer at the moment.
The Snug
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jun 4, 2001
Well you are on the computer at the minute...
Hi! Haven't spoken to you for ageeeesss Well umm... 2 days, I was sure I'd been more restrained with not using h2g2 than that!
The Snug
Bagpuss Posted Jun 4, 2001
Yes, but I wasn't working. I have been, though, reckon I'm just about done.
How are you doing, then? I see you've got an examination impending.
The Snug
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jun 6, 2001
*drinks the and the
You didn't want that did you Richard?
*pours for everyone*
Mansfield Park is finished! I've finished the stoopid exam and will never have to study another Jane Austen novel again
*has a niggling recollection of noticing Austens name when applying to read her English Literature degree*
Oh pants
*passes Menza over a mug of soup*
I heard about your tooth Menz Is it any better today?
The Snug
Menza Posted Jun 6, 2001
I have to get it pulled out.
And its a wisdom tooth, so I have to go into hospital to have it done. They have put a temporary cap on it while I wait for an appointment.
The Snug
Menza Posted Jun 6, 2001
I have 4 thank you ..... Well 3 and a half since that one fell apart.
The Snug
Bagpuss Posted Jun 6, 2001
Just the one, though.
I expect I'll survive with a just this once, Tink.
Are you finished with exams now? I am, off to the Grad Ball on Friday.
Key: Complain about this post
The Snug
- 401: Bagpuss (Jun 2, 2001)
- 402: Menza (Jun 2, 2001)
- 403: Bagpuss (Jun 4, 2001)
- 404: Menza (Jun 4, 2001)
- 405: Bagpuss (Jun 4, 2001)
- 406: Menza (Jun 4, 2001)
- 407: Bagpuss (Jun 4, 2001)
- 408: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jun 4, 2001)
- 409: Bagpuss (Jun 4, 2001)
- 410: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jun 4, 2001)
- 411: Bagpuss (Jun 4, 2001)
- 412: Menza (Jun 4, 2001)
- 413: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jun 6, 2001)
- 414: Menza (Jun 6, 2001)
- 415: Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive (Jun 6, 2001)
- 416: Menza (Jun 6, 2001)
- 417: Bagpuss (Jun 6, 2001)
- 418: Bagpuss (Jun 6, 2001)
- 419: Menza (Jun 6, 2001)
- 420: Bagpuss (Jun 6, 2001)
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