A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 41

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*looks very confused and wonders what on earth is happening*
Whats the smiley? It looks eveil...
*runs towards Menza and whispers*
I'm very scared now...smiley - tongueout

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 42


Its supposed to be a fairy. Look its all sparkly.

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 43

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I guess so...but it still looks more like superman impaled on something and that old grinny smiley is evil looking too...look it's watching me...
*refuses to use a scary smiley but points out a grinny one would be used otherwise*

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 44


I like this one smiley - spider

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 45

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*points out that for the arachnophobics in the audience this is not a pleasant image*
I like the smiley - magic that's quite fun...

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 46


How about the smiley - bat

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 47

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Um pom-pom with wings?
I like that onesmiley - biggrin

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 48


I like the smiley - vampire too. smiley - smiley

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 49

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Aaaaw now that's cute, it's grinning happily look...
*grins back at the smiley*

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 50


Not sure about the smiley - witch though.

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 51

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Oh I don't know...it looks kinda like a Wurzelsmiley - winkeye

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 52


So where is the gummage. smiley - winkeye

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 53

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Ummm... smiley - monster ?

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 54


*runs and hides behind sofa*

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 55

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Really? I think that icons quite funnysmiley - biggrin
but I guess it is reminiscent of both the Wurzels and the Wurzel Gummage...

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 56


I think I'm getting used to them now. smiley - smiley

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 57

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Which is lucky as that's one of the few which doesn't scare mesmiley - biggrin

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 58


It might just be reaching for the smiley - cake

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 59

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

But hopefully not the as I'll start whining againsmiley - winkeye

Malaysian Grand prix

Post 60


Damn those Americanisms.

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