A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 981

Fashion Cat

now why would you just sit in a corner??? come here and help us get there... before I have to disappear! smiley - smiley

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 982

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I had never thought about the problem of plaster casts of aeroplanes before. It's a good point.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 983

Fashion Cat

lots of swelling... not fun at all smiley - sadface

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 984

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I didn't realise you'd hurt your leg FC, sorry to hear that.
*passes FC a smiley - stiffdrink*

Maybe we could just start counting down to 1000... it'd be educational so no one could complain? Anyway I'm aiming for post 1001 as I haven't been here long enough to take the honour of 1000 but I think 1001 would be cool so when I miss it that's my excusesmiley - smiley

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 985

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Afternoon all, smiley - ale please.
Here, FC, I made you something.
*hands her a stool to rest her leg on*

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 986

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*wakes up from under a mountain of crisp packets, peanut shells and a small army of penguin waiters*


*rubs eyes*

I need a |_| after recent events.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 987

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I expected this forum to have gone way past the 1000 mark by now. Where is everyone?

*experiments with the echo in this thread*


Hello... hEllO... HeLLO... hellooo

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 988

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*echoes back*

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 989

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

That's funny. I could have sworn someone else was in here just then.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 990

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Tttttttthhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaatttttttsssssssss fffffffffuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnyyyyyy........IIIIIIIIIIII ccccccccooooooouuuuuullllllllldddddd
*stops shouting down a rolled up newspaper*
O.K I've stopped now although I think that this 1000th post is actually going to sneak up on us whilst no-one else is in here you know...now that could be amusing smiley - bigeyes
What do you reckon? How do you fancy having the 1000th post?

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 991

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I don't think it matters who gets the 1000th post. Although I'm very proud of my 999th post in smiley - ale 37 which allowed Menza to post a really cool 1000th post and stopped Peregrin getting the honours.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 992

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

So the main plan is to stop Peregrin getting the 1000th post? Hmmm...

Aaah well 992smiley - smiley

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 993

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

993 now smiley - smiley

*pours himself the |_|*

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 994

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Hi Joe, if you don't mind me asking whats the U6th? The only U6th I know of is the Upper Sixth as in second year at college type thingy but that doesn't seem likely as I've only ever heard my old school use that phrasesmiley - smiley

Sorry you never got the drink but to make up fo it have a second for when you finish the firstsmiley - smiley
*passes over a |_|*
Hang on though it's after 8pm so doesn't that mean you should be on doubles anyway?

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 995

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I have nothing against my current employer but I felt that the honour went to the right person in the end.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 996

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Ever considered a career in RL politicssmiley - winkeye

I wonder if Menza can magically appear and get the 1000th post later...there doesn't seem to be the mad scramble for it like last time as there's no-one here who has actually stated a claim at wanting to get it.I was hoping either EV or DD would turn up at some point as I'm still trying to find out today's qualifying results because the stoopid website crashed due to excess numbers of people trying to find out, however, I'm rambling now so I'll go back to my searchsmiley - smiley

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 997


Trouble is, everyone's trying to avoid posting number 999, because then if they post 1000 they'll look like they've cheated smiley - bigeyes

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 998

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'll have 998 this time.

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 999


I wonder who will be the lucky regular this time?

Anyone for a drink?

c|_| 38 - Race for the 3rd Thousand!

Post 1000


I bet this misses.

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