A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Tight Fit

Post 101

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*attempting to pour a brandy |_|*

Is there anyway to widen this room?

Tight Fit

Post 102


Here to give us the shoe horn? But I've never had a foot fetish...

Anyway, 20 minutes on the bike, 300 situps, a shower and a few hours doing something closely resembling work, and I'm back. Sadly not measurably more lithe, so I guess it'll be as tight a fit as ever. Oh hang on, some people have left which makes it easier. So is anyone actually serving? smiley - smiley

Tight Fit

Post 103

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

knock out the walls that should do it! hey can i get a smiley - coffee please?

Tight Fit

Post 104

Demon Drawer

W***. Now I feel like I have to go to the gym as well tonight.

Hmmm. SHould I.

*DD sips up the brandy as it drips to the floor*

Tight Fit

Post 105

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

*opens the hatch from the servery, and stands comfortably in the kitchen, looking through the hatch* Celery anyone?

Tight Fit

Post 106


Having a name like "Bluebottle" means I can, at will, change at will from being me to a bottle which is blue, or a fly, or a Goon show character, or a jellyfish. So I think I'll be a fly and find a spot of empty wall ATM out of the way, and get me some room. smiley - smiley


Tight Fit

Post 107


*Squeeses in from the bar with a large tray of drinks*

Here you all go. smiley - smiley

Tight Fit

Post 108

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I'd better start drinking these in order to make a bit more room. smiley - smiley

Tight Fit

Post 109

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*pushes her way up from the floor*
Hmmm, I'd better help you...just to speed it up a bitsmiley - smiley

Tight Fit

Post 110


*sticks head round door*
Ah, no, think I'll come back in the morning.
*cadges a drink off the tray on the way out smiley - smiley*

Tight Fit

Post 111

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Thanks for your help, Babel...

Tight Fit

Post 112

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I am a wraith, so I can do this *suddenly turns two dimensional* and fit comfortable anywhere smiley - winkeye

*gets another brandy*

Tight Fit

Post 113

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*looks doubtfully at smiley - ale* I think I've had enough.

Tight Fit

Post 114


The bad thing about being a fly is that you can't drink smiley - ales. Unless you swoop down and land in one, in which case you drown.
Not a bad way to go smiley - winkeye

Tight Fit

Post 115

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I suppose you don't have to drink very much before you get drunk and start flying into things.

Tight Fit

Post 116


The trouble with being a fly is that you fly into things anyway. Especially windows. Flies never understood the idea of not hitting the closed window but aim for the open one...

Tight Fit

Post 117


I've always been impressed at the skill with which flies manage to avoid the open half - given a completely open window, they'll manage to hit glass bits far more often than mere random progress would cause.

Tight Fit

Post 118

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Perhaps you should change back into a person, now that things seem to have calmed down a little in here...

Tight Fit

Post 119


And if things get really crowded I can turn into a Bluebottle jellyfish - and just sting a few people until I get some room:

Tight Fit

Post 120


I think it's cosy in here!
But then again I'm not claustrophobic either smiley - smiley
Hi everybody, move over!

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