A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Desperate for a...

Post 181

Fashion Cat

ah well, back to it... c ya later! smiley - winkeye

Desperate for a...

Post 182

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hello Ian, goodbye Fashion Cat.
Hmmmmmm.... *looks suspicious*

Desperate for a...

Post 183

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

G'day Ian smiley - smiley

Not too bad all things considered...mind you it is only 9:45 am here

Desperate for a...

Post 184

The Fish

*drops in*


Sorry....smiley - smiley

*Finds |smiley - fish| from somewhere and goes back to sleep...*

smiley - fishzzZZZ

Desperate for a...

Post 185


Suspicious? Well to have contrived that order of postings as a single person I'd have to have flipped back and forth identities as she logged out after I'd dropped in. (And anyway I've been posting on and off for hours now!)

Desperate for a...

Post 186

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Ah, Pseudonymn hunting is he...

I suppose i should get one so i can say nice things about my own entries LOL.

Frankly i'm kept busy enough just having the one i.d smiley - bigeyes

Desperate for a...

Post 187


*Mixes himself a couple of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters*

*Realises that as he's running for president, he oughtn't to be seen publicly drunk*

*Decides, in a manner of speaking, S*d it*

*Downs them both*

Desperate for a...

Post 188

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Well personally i wouldn't vote for anyone that doesn't drink...

Desperate for a...

Post 189


that's what I figured smiley - winkeye

Desperate for a...

Post 190

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

LOL smiley - smiley

ah yes, a natural politician by the sounds of it...

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 191


Just remember that it was the Peregrin/Bluebottle campaign that invented the drinkie smiley for people to get drunk with smiley - winkeye

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 192


*Wandering in for a lunchtime smiley - ale.*

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 193

Fashion Cat

hmm... has someone been using the FC trademark??? Maybe it'd be quite fun messing round as 2 people. I couldn't do it though... too confusing! smiley - winkeye ah! a round for everyone I think!

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 194

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*perks up at the mention of the word "round"*

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 195


Very kind of you FC smiley - smiley I don't believe we've met.

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 196

Fashion Cat

yup... what d'ya want...???

hey BS! Nice to meet ya.... everyone who does know me would probably tell you to run though before you see the madness and stupidity within!! smiley - smiley

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 197


Just checked your Homepage FC, I think I'll risk staying smiley - smiley Mine's a smiley - ale of Grumpfuttocks.

What a surprise to see you here EV smiley - smiley

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 198

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Likewise, BS! smiley - smiley *raises empty smiley - ale*

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 199

Fashion Cat

hmm.. seems to be self-serve....

*jumps over the bar, pulls a smiley - ale for BS and pours a whisky for herself...*

here you go BS.... what you havin EV?

Desperate for a... vote?

Post 200

Fashion Cat

arrgh simulpost... here you go EV... smiley - ale

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