Quantum Life Moments

3 Conversations

Quantum theory describes events at the atomic level, events that can go one of only two ways, events that can have an enormous impact on the rest of the universe. The famous Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment postulates the existence (or otherwise) of a cat, whose entire future (and indeed past) is determined by one atom.

Here comes the TLA (three letter Acronym)

Quantum Life Moments (QLMs) are very similar. They are those moments in an individual's life where they are faced with a decision, normally between two course of action.

It is a frequently used plot device in Science Fiction that there are an infinite number of parallel universes, each differing only by a small amounts based on quantum decisions. In some of these life is the same, in others where say a major historical figure (Jesus, Mohamed, Newton, Hitler) ceased to exist in childhood.

Alternatively certain key decisions are made my a single person (Hitler - "mmm perhaps I won't invade Poland after all")

It is usually only after the event the individual realises how important the decision was.

Some Examples

Classic examples of QLMs are those people always interviewed on TV after deciding not to get on the plane that crashed, or go on the boat that sunk or on holiday to the hurricane hit island. Of course those making a last minute decision to do these things are also making QLMs but frequently terminal ones.


But, you may say, all choices are QLMs. Not so. I could decide right now to drink cider tonight (for none UK researchers – fermented apple juice) or Vodka. The outcome will be the same. Such it is with most choices. Only minor differences are noticed.

QLMs by Proxy

More common, but harder to ascertain. these are single decisions of another, that whilst having only a small effect on their lives, have a large one on your own. These can have much greater effect on you, but tracing them back to a SINGLE identifiable choice of another individual can be very difficult.


We have examined moments both of our own and others that cause our life to change dramatically. These are QLMs. However there are anti-QLMs which are harder to detect and quantify.

Anti-QLMs are where a single decision of yours (or another) has absolutely no effect at all. But surely all minor choice are anti-QLMs? Not so, a true anti-QLM is one where if another choice had been made a substantial life change would have happened. The choice you made (often the easiest choice of least resistance) purely maintains the status quo. Obviously these can only be speculative, until such time it is possible to travel to those alternative realities to see the effects. Knowledge of the existence of
anti-QLMs is important in every decision taken.

Hysterical and Mass QMLs

Hysterical QMLs are those mass induced, totally irrational QLMs that people claim to have. The classic one being when the Princess of Wales was killed in Paris September 1997. Despite never meeting her, millions claimed they were affected, were in tears and emotional wrecks for ages, behaviour that can be understood for those who knew the person in question but for total strangers? And despite the daily carnage on the roads making this event far from unique. Odd.

On the other hand, events of September 11 2001, being so extraordinary and sadly spectacular had a similar effect on millions, but this can be more easilly understood, the shock and outrage were mixed with a bizare voyeurism and thought of how it could easilly have been yourself or those you knew. This reflection will surely change peoples attitudes and beliefs, even if there were no actual cnnectio to anyone involved.

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