Dish the Dirt 2!!
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
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Please remember the rules of h2g2,and keep these as clean as possible.In the interests of state security, I will be pleased to receive any more spurious comments through the *voting box* or over icq .The best(and funniest)will be abridged below
Dirt On MadMunk:
There be Dragons!
I have a bit of information on madmunk, well not actually on him but on his dragon which he is 100% responsible for,... seems the dragon was seen lurking about a seedy little diner the other night and managed to get himself into a little brawl with a lamp post... can you say 'swigging down a bit too much brew'??
Tsk tsk tsk... MadMunk was such a clean-cut, reliable character....
shame his dragon's a nasty drunk.
Imagine what that thing'd do to London after a few pints... and, to make it even worse, MM is actually trying to cover for him!!
Dirt On Fenchurch
Do I smell a rat... or two?!
*Baron*I thought we had come to an agreement on the power-sharing thing, Fenchurch!
*Fenchurch*Shhh!!! You can't let THEM know about it, are you crazy? They'll catch on, and then we'll be ruined...
(Oh yah, btw Baron, I'm laundering the fish money now... will be sent to you on the mayoral plane once campaign is complete)
*Baron*Well, that's the pot calling the kettle 'black'! It's a known fact that Ms. Mercury has tootled that self-same scheme from HER platform itself! And it is by no means to be taken that I was implying that anyone should be COUNTERFEITING
Yes, I consider this Fenchurch woman to be my strongest competetion. She is the only one offering a type of fish for currency and she's stolen my chili idea!
I, for one, don't mind Fenny winning! Not at all! Not at all! After all, *I* still get half of los dinero... er.... I mean, uh... (FENNY!! HELP!)
*Fenny* MY FISH!!! My beautiful beautiful fish!! YOU TOOK THEM BARON!
You'd better make some damn good chili if I'm to forgive you for this one...
No politics on the dance floor? But I just got here! Okay, I'll keep it short:
I did not inhale. I took everything in pill form.
I am not a crook. We prefer the term morally inept.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I'm straight.
Read my lips, no new taxes. I will only add up the total of all the tax rates of the past 10 years and adopt that as the new rate.
Four score and seven years ago... *Nameless the running mate interrupts and whispers to Fenny for a second*... we'll keep that one, guys.
*Anonymous*I have it on good authority that Fenchurch's running mate, Nameless,is actually her Evil Twin. She wears the smiley face mask to disguise her true identity. Nameless is the one who made all of the underhanded deals with the Baron, but Fenny has done nothing to stop her.
Well, let's just say that I was followed to work this morning by 3 cod and a swordfish in a blacked out stingray. Anything to do with you Fenny? Maybe you is thinking I should be sleeping with the fishes?
Dirt On Dudemeister
Hooligan? Fivers?! Hmmmmm!!
I am more concerned with meeting the needs of my future responsibilities, and the concerns of the citizens. I will pass it on to my Campaign manager and hooligan. He may need to go and do some 'interior design' consulting work - ie rearrange some furniture. Or as this is a virtual world - sort out someone's file allocation table.
Really going for a swim in the Thames these days is not as bad as it was years ago. Neurotic activity never did anyone any good so I have ordered the Campaign manager to stay in the Blackfriar's pub with a wad of fiver's drinking Courage and making strange references to trains and monks while scaring American tourists.
*Da Baron*This smacks of a heartless bent! If Dudemeister would leave poor Bubba lost in a Redneck Rampage (and we all know how painful that can be!) would he not leave an ENTIRE CITY of LIMEY BUBBA'S lost as well?
Dirt On Marv The Grate:
Is this the best we can do?
Well, MM still wouldn't be as much of a problem as Marv the Grate: the picture says it all
I have it on the best authority that Marv has been seen in Utah!You can never trust any one from Utah, imho.
Dish The Dirt 1 Dirt on NM, Da Baron, Merkin and Icarus
Dish The Dirt 3 Dirt on Shorty, Wowbagger, Stump, Fruitbat and JzGYK
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