A Conversation for Sodium... the best element in the world?

can i just say...

Post 1


SOOOOOOOOOOdium sodiu u um

the kids today don't know SQUAT about sodium.

can i just say...

Post 2

Cavalier Mal Fet

I have to say, that you missed the best thing about Sodium (not counting its use in salt of couse, for without salt many of our best food stuffs, most notably the potato, would be inedible).

Back on track the best use of sodium is to gather a large crowed, parties are particularaly good, and watch with glee the specticle of sodium in water... hours of harmless entertainment.... well mostly harmless...

can i just say...

Post 3


it's more fun to throw it at monsters and watch them exPLODE

can i just say...

Post 4


well almost mostly harmless. Actually it wouldn't have that big an effect. Unless someone picked it up as it was reacting away. Now caesium, that might do some damage, but sodium would effervess a bit, and make the water very very very slightly alkaline. Sorry to spoil your delusions there.

can i just say...

Post 5


u can never spoil mi delusions cuz i don't have any so ner

can i just say...

Post 6


I was refering to the lords delusions there Rowan, check who I was replying in response to on the thingy....

can i just say...

Post 7

Cavalier Mal Fet

true, its not dangerous unless someone/something flamable is in the pool... but still fun to watch, and alot easier to get hold of than other substances... and when feed to birds it can be far from mostly harmless (note, this is not something I have done, but my Chemistry proffeser did while he was a student... he said the results were.. ummmm, both interesting and messy smiley - winkeye

can i just say...

Post 8


yeah i KNOW that u fool, i wuz just SAYIng...

can i just say...

Post 9


aaaaaaaaall theeeee world seems in tune on a spring afternoon when we're POISONING pigeons in the park


Post 10


I don't remember tom suggesting sodium... but yeah I'd imagine that work pretty good too... The gases that would be released could probably swell a pigeon to the point of erm.. explosion...


Post 11


JUST cuz the genius didn't suggest it doesn't mean it's not a viable option.

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