Sodium... the best element in the world?

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For decades scientists have been locked in a ferocious arguement as to what the best element in the world is. Is it gold, with it's rarity and pleasing glow? Or is it krypton, with it's filled shells and inertness. I present hereforth the case of sodium and I hope that if nothing else, you learn a little about the precious element that makes up half of your table salt.

Incidently before I get started I should mention that most of what I write here is pulled from strained memories of a public information short put out many moons ago by Sodium Manufactures Ltd Inc Com Corp Conglomerate, to drum up interest in the metal of Sodium. It starred Sodo, the loveable sodium sprite, as someone who cursed sodium to damnation was shown the error of his ways by our elemental hero. Once the foolish boy whose name I forget see's the error of his ways, he wishes sodium could come back or some such thing.

Anyway here are some of it's properties and uses...

Without sodium there would be no salt, and so any one cramping halfway up Ben Nevis would have no relief, and ultimately turn inside out.

Without sodium air would be heavier and crush us all to death.

It is a little known fact that is actually the sodium in gold that makes it valuable.

Sodium has great signficance, it's no coincidence that it is muidos backwards, the candarian name for the god of viscous liquids.

Without sodium there would be no wires and therefore no internet, but even worse, no hard boiled egg slicers. Well at least no metal ones.

It is the sodium in rats diets that keep them stunted. Without sodium giant rats would swarm our sewers, clogging all flow and we'd have to have an above ground sewer system like the filthy romans used to and I'm sure we could all see how that would not be a nice situation.


These were just a few of the reasons and I'm sure you can understand from these facts, how sodium has a strong case for best element. Hopefully this will clear up this petty arguement, and scientist can get back to solving problems like world hunger.

Incidentaly Sodo was so popular that a Chlorine plant tried Chloro, but since the only thing they could come up with was...

Without chlorine your eye's wouldn't sting when you went swimming

the project was, needless to say, quickly shelved.

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